Chapter 23

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Victor took me by the shoulders, "Wait here, I'll go see."

I nodded and Victor kissed my cheek and cautiously exited the closet. I stood frozen in place, my ears straining as the moments ticked by. It was oddly quiet.

"Lily," Victor called. I felt the wretched tightness in my chest again as I stepped from the closet.

Victor was standing in the center of the room. He had Michael pinned against him, one arm holding both of Michael's behind his back, the other hand clenching his hair and straining his head at a vicious angle to the side.

"Elayna," Michael gasped. "What have you done to her?" he tried to fight himself free.

"Nothing she didn't ask for; nothing she didn't beg for," Victor chuckled.

"It's not too late Elayna! Whatever he's done to you, it's not too late!"

"He hasn't done anything to me Michael. He's helped me remember and we've been through so much together. Victor and I, we were meant to be."

"No, no! It wasn't Victor...he's lying to you, he's...he's changed your memories," it felt like Michael was examining my mind somehow and I couldn't keep him out.

"Stop, oh, please stop," I covered my face with my hands.

"No Elayna, look, look closely," Michael insisted.

As Michael brought the memories Victor convinced me of to the surface of my mind I felt that odd impression again that they weren't quite right. My lips trembled as I looked from one to the other, "," I didn't know what I was trying to say but suddenly I knew why they were wrong. I wasn't seeing the memories as though I were seeing them through my own eyes like I should have. It was as though I was just an observer, seeing things from a third person's point of view rather than actually being a part of them.

Michael closed his eyes and concentrated, "Turn around, take the stairs and leave with the driver."

"Yes," my eyes went wide and I tried to follow Michael's instructions. I shook my head, "No, not without Victor, we belong together."

Michael tried again and for a split second I felt a brief uncoiling inside me, some ghostly part of myself unwinding and making its way towards Michael...or was it Victor? I turned and started for the door.


"Yes, Victor?"

"Stay with me."

"I will never leave you," I turned around and waited.

Victor smiled triumphantly, "That's right," he gloated. I watched as he put his lips against Michael's neck and whispered, "It's too late. She knows, Michael, I'm in her blood and her blood knows, she belongs with me."

Victor made a little prick in Michael's neck and motioned me closer. The tiny drops dazzled me just as Victor's had and I put my mouth over the little wound. Michael tried to pull away but Victor held him still. I gave a little suck with lips and my tongue and held Michael's blood in my mouth. I turned my face to Victor's and placed my lips over his and shared the savory indulgence with him.

"NO!" Michael's voice boomed and somehow he struggled free. He flung Victor across the room and I fell dazed to the floor as they fought against one another.

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