Chapter 21

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Victor dropped the blade and tumbled me into his car then quickly took the driver's seat. I was in a heady delirium and turned myself towards him as he pulled from Margaret's driveway. He was scowling as we raced away leaving the evening's events behind us. My hands were folded and resting on my lap and after he urged the car into its highest gear he reached over and took my left in a determined grip.

I squeezed him back, "Please Victor, be gentle."

"Of course," he smiled and brought my knuckles to his lips while relaxing his hold.

"Thank you," I smiled. "Where are we going?" I tilted my head curiously.

He smiled back, "Not far, not tonight anyway."

I drew my legs up as he drove and curled myself into the passenger's seat, "I'm sleepy," I yawned.

"Of course you are," he raised his hand to my cheek and I sighed in pleasure at his touch. "It won't be long. We'll be home soon and then you can rest."

"You're so sweet," I sighed.

I closed my eyes and didn't notice the minutes passing. I hardly realized it when we stopped and Victor guided me from the car and helped me into the lobby of an exclusive condominium complex located in the heart of downtown. We rode the elevator up to the penthouse and Victor offered me his arm as the doors slid back to reveal a spectacularly well-appointed apartment.

I looked left and right then slowly turned in a complete circle taking it all in, "It's breathtaking," I cooed as Victor watched me while he slipped out of his jacket.

"Thank you," he sounded sincerely pleased.

I slowly walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him, "You're breathtaking," I tiptoed and whispered in his ear.

His lips traced my neck. I felt a tiny prick then his tongue as it ran over the flesh from my collarbone to my chin. My mind went completely blank when I felt the pressure of his lips against mine.

"Oh," I moaned as he pulled back.

He brought his wrist to his mouth and made a tiny incision. Part of me revolted at the idea but I felt compelled and unable to resist the urge to taste him as he raised his arm. He placed his hand on the back of my head and guided it to the droplets that were trickling towards his elbow.

It was like ice until it slid down the back of my throat then suddenly it seemed to be setting a blaze to my insides. I wanted more but Victor eased me away. I stood back shivering as the heat expanded inside me.

"Not yet," he rebuked me. "Not tonight, soon, love, soon." He took my face in his hands and kissed me so intimately, so passionately I felt faint.

"Say it again, tell me who you love."

"I love you, Victor. I love you."

He took the collar of my dress in his hands and tore it from neck to navel then folded it back. I shrugged out of it and let it fall to the floor then reached for Victor's shirt and slowly, methodically unbuttoned it. I wanted to take my time, to appreciate the moment and have it be memorable and loving because that was the only way I had ever experienced it.

Victor was looking down at me as I tugged his shirt from his pants and slipped it from his shoulders. I tried smiling up at him but quickly lost the expression because there was something dark and foreboding lurking in his eyes. I didn't want to see it and wished that I hadn't because suddenly I was filled with hesitation. My body was begging for Victor to take me but my heart was screaming NO! NEVER!

I think Victor sensed my reluctance and before I could protest or discourage him in any way he had my legs wrapped around his waist and my back against the wall. For half a moment I fought against him but as soon as I felt him inside me my resistance melted into demand. My arms went around his shoulders and my legs constricted into a vice-like grip. Everything was forgotten except the need for fulfillment.

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