Chapter seven|One week away

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-Day three-


I slid into my new black bikini and looked in my mirror. I guess you could say it complimented my petite figure, but maybe some would disagree.

Pulling a silky shirt on and a faded coral coloured skirt on top I checked my phone, seeing the exact outfit I was wearing appear on my screen.

I found the outfit on Instagram, worn by a girl I adore. She makes and puts together all sorts of outfits for all different occasions, putting the links to the websites in the caption box.

I wasn't prepared to wear the heels though, we were going to a water park, which is totally my thing. Because today, was my day.

Instead I grabbed a pair of flats and headed out of my room again.

"What?!" Riley yelled from downstairs. I frowned and ran to the kitchen, where a surprised looking Riley stared at Missy, who had her head in her hands.

I observed the scene and waited for further conversation.

"I know, I know. Riley, please just calm down."

"It's fine, I just... didn't expect you and Josh to have got this far." Riley replied, stroking her fingers through Missy's hair.

Now I could interrupt.

"Hold on, how far is 'this far'?"

"We kissed." Missy replied.

"Oh. I thought you guys had sex or something." I said, disappointed.

"No! Maya!" Missy shouted, while a laughing Riley stood next to her.

Our laughter was interrupted when Zay, Farkle and Lucas walked into our villa.

"Come on guys, lets go." Zay said, laughing at something Lucas had said.



"Come on Maya!" Missy groaned. She was already in her bikini, and I had only just taken off my shirt.
Riley walked over to me and slid her arm around my neck, and placed the other arm around my stomach, her hands on my abs.

"You ready yet?" She asked. Missy, Riley and Farkle were waiting to go on the first slide, a six-seater inflatable that went down a water slide, with small drops and sprays of water that came flying from every possible direction.

"I'll be a minute, I need to put my stuff in the locker." She looked a bit disappointed, and I knew she wanted me to hurry up.

"You go, we'll catch up in a minute." She nodded and ran to Missy, and they linked arms as they started to climb the steps to the slide.

In the corner of my eye I saw Maya glance at me, but I shrugged it off knowing Zay isn't as good a sight, and she would want to look at me more than she would him. I'm joking. Well I'm not, because I do look better.

Maya had her towel wrapped around her, for no reason in particular.

"Hart, you can't just carry that." I said and she turned her head.

"I know." She said cockily and walked to the lockers which were a few metres away.

She took her shades and placed them inside, followed by the towel.

Her pale skin didn't bother me. She was flawless, and don't get me started on her body. Her curves and flat stomach made me stare.

The black bikini complimented her body in every way possible and made her look sexy.

One Week Away-A GMW Lucaya/Laya FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now