Chapter Thirteen|One Week Away

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I wake up with sunlight streaming into the room. I hiss to myself and shield my eyes, then the head ache comes. It pounds so hard I can hear it, and hurts like hell. I wish I wasn't alive. Literally. MY head hurts, I just got blinded by the 'beautiful' sunlight and my body aches.

Lucas curses under his breath. Wait, Lucas? 

The blinds suddenly cover the sunlight that was once streaming into my room and i open my eyes. Lucas is there, stood next me beside the bed. He looks at me. I look at him. He looks back at me.

I suddenly scream, not too loud, but i still scream and throw the bed sheets up above my neck. Yes, i'm not wearing clothes, no i'm not insane, yes, i sometimes act like i'm insane, but no, i'm not.

Anyways, Lucas rolls his eyes at me and acts like it's perfectly okay.

"Well, Maya you didn't seem to care about that last night..." He trails off just to annoy me.

"Lucas!" I growl, standing up and making the duvet act like a dress around me. I also pick up a pillow to throw at his head for good measure.

"Okay, okay, i'm sorry!" He says, putting his hands up in the air in surrender.

I just glare at him and leave his room, trying my best not to think about last nights events. But how can i not? We actually reached that point where we were comfortable around each other. I mean, i didn't expect to feel that comfortable around him, but I was drunk and it just happened.

God, I feel like that's my excuse for everything nowadays...

It's like Riley jinxed it when she said about how unless I got mega drunk (which actually i didn't i was just drunk) and ended up staying the night with him it wouldn't matter as much.

I got dressed and walked downstairs, head in my hands my head ache was so bad. I looked up ad Lucas was there on the couch.

"God, were you hired as my personal stalker or something?" I asked. He didn't reply to my comment and just pointed at the table were some tablets and a glass of water sat.

"Gimme." I said and ran, or rather walked quickly as if i ran i think i would die from pain, and also the pounding in my head would get worse, even though it doesn't feel like it possibly could get any worse.

"The others are due back around eleven, which leaves us around twenty minutes to finish packing the rest of our things and then we're officially leaving." He stated.

"Okididoke." I said, drinking more water and swallowing the last tablet.

Lucas just gave me the most questioning glance ever, but i just shrugged it off and headed back to my room to finish packing. I collected toiletries, hair brushes, hair straighteners and curlers and remaining clothes that were in closets or on the floor.

"Lucas!" I shouted, then instantly regretted it as the head ache hadn't gone completely.

He jogged upstairs, taking the steps two at a time.


"Take my stuff down, it's too heavy."

"You forgot a key word..." He said, walking towards me.

I laced my hand on his chest and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Please Lukey?" I said in a childish voice, laughing afterwards. He looked away and bit his lip to stop himself from laughing with me.

"Okay Prince."

I put my hand over heart and let my mouth hang open.

"Huckleberry that is no way to speak to me! How dare you!" I say, deeply offended by his comment.

"Sorry, Blonde Beauty, of course, anything for your lazy bum." He didn't exactly say bum, but he might as well have.

I hit him in the arm, and my fist just came into contact with muscle. Yes muscle. He looked rather good. I'd been so busy messing around with him that I hadn't noticed his white shirt which clung to his toned, tanned body.

"Oi, stop drooling love, where do you want me to put this?" He asked, smirking at me.

"I don't know just take it downstairs, love." I smiled.

He carried it with ease, as if he was carrying a feather, just to annoy me. He made me look weak, which was his whole point, but i didn't mind, i just took the chance to admire him. And i don't mean a guys version of admiring a girl, which is obviously the butt the body and the looks. I mean i admired his smile, the glint in his eye, the contrast in our skin colour (no idea why i picked up on that one), the way he could always get what he wanted, his body and finally, most importantly, his personality.

He was everything i ever wanted in a guy, and now i could finally have it. But did i want to steal something that wasn't ever going to be mine. He deserved so much more, he deserved Riley and Riley deserved him, so why had it turned out this way? 

I wouldn't stop questioning the situation and i wouldn't stop questioning myself until i finally found an answer i was satisfied with.

Suddenly the front door burst open and a stampede of footsteps make there way into the house.

I said hello to everyone, then we went on the quickly grabbing our things and leaving the house before we missed our flights home.

We piled into the car, waving and shouting our goodbyes to the houses we had spent the week in. I sat next to Lucas, whose hand rested gently on top of mine. 

We weren't yet in any relationship, I knew for sure i had to wait some time before we got there. So now, it was just close friends, and hopefully that will change with time.


"Finally we reached the airport." Zay said, talking to no one in particular.

I felt bad for him, knowing he liked Missy while she had a boyfriend, although if i was completely honest I didn't think that was going to last.

It's not that i don't like Josh, just that there was that something that wasn't quite right about him. I know he has a criminal past; drunk driving and getting involved in bar fights, sometimes even getting himself into money bets and gangs.

We all know that he's completely changed since then. Three years and he's been clean the whole time, not more committing crime and getting involved in bad things, so I don't know what it is.

Maybe its the fear of something bad happening, or if he gets involved with the wrong people again and it affects Missy. I don't want her to get hurt, to be honest she doesn't deserve it. Despite our current disagreement, she's done a lot of things for me and i owe her, so if anything happens with Josh it just won't be fair on her.

We boarded the plane finally, and i sat next to Riley this time, and started watching the Hunger Games series. We managed to watch the first two movies, which I've already seen a couple of times, but it was still worth it.

Then I had a quality conversation with Riley about Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton, which like i said, was quality.

Obviously we're rooting for Hilary. Obviously we don't really want either of them to become president, but what other choice do we have? And i'd rather it was a women who kind of cared about America, rather than Donald Trump, no Donald T, no, Don T, no just Dont.

It was nice to have a full on conversation with her, that you got so engrossed in. Not once did i think about Missy, Josh, Zay or Lucas and I didn't think about any problems I was facing because at that moment everything seemed perfect. Well aside from the very big problem called the election. Because, well...

It involves Don Trump.


Boom boom boom.

Oh dear, Don T won.

Okay, over and out <3 -N

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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