Chapter Ten|One Week Away

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"Maya. Maya wake up."

Riley stood in the door way, a small smile spread across her face .

I groaned and slowly pulled the sheets away from me, standing up.

"We're only here for two more days." Riley said in a glum voice.

I nodded, "So what are we doing on our last day of activity?" I asked.

"We are going on a cruise boat, where we can chill and then go snorkeling. We'll be gone for a few hours."

"Today is dedicated to Zay though." I questioned.

"Yeah, Missy is gonna go through that later." She laughed, but she didn't seem amused.

Then I saw her eyes. They looked sad, lost, lonely even.

She waved her hand a little and turned around to leave.


"Yeah." She said, stopping in her tracks and turning her head.

"What's wrong?" I asked, a little concerned.

"I'll-I'll tell you later." She stuttered, quickly walking out my room.

It troubled me, to think that she hadn't told me then and there, not being straight-up and honest, yet I hadn't been either.

I hated myself every minute for what I've done.
I led Lucas on, giving him permission to kiss when I should've pushed him away.

Who could ever forgive themselves when they had possibly torn up a friendship and ripped it to shreds?


"We're water cruising? Why?" I questioned looking at Zay.

To be fair I'm surprised we aren't riding donkeys at the moment, but we essentially did that yesterday.
So why wasn't that dedicated to Zay?

" Okay, okay obviously I said that I tell you this earlier. Basically Zay and I were talking a few weeks ago, and we weren't at all a bit tipsy and I had made a joke about going water cruising on holiday, and he decided that would be cool but maybe we could ride horses while water cruising. Obviously that isn't exactly possible but I've tried to make it as close to his dream as possible. So here we are!" Missy replied chuckling slightly.

"Of course I was being deadly serious at that point and was in my normal mind set." Zay said glaring at Missy but smiling all the same.

"Zay you don't look too pleased."I said with uncertainty. " Are you sure you're cool with this?"

He chuckled under his breath and looked at me.

"Maya it's cool I'm fulfilling my dream remember?"

I chuckled to myself and grabbed what I needed, leaving the house with the others.
As I walked at the back of the group I watched the five of them, stuck in their own conversations.

Missy linked arms with Zay. They skipped along the pavement. Lucas held Riley's hand. Riley kissed his cheek, however with little enthusiasm. Riley skipped over to Zay. They linked arms. Farkle touched Riley's arm. Whispered something in her ear. She frowned. Shook her head. Turned away from him and laughed at Missy. Yet again, with little enthusiasm.

Something's happened.

Something's changed.

Something's ending.


I dive as gracefully as possible into the fresh, sapphire ocean.

At first I watch the groups of coloured fish, all swimming swiftly away from me as I approach.

They're beautiful, and so is this underwater paradise they live in.

I catch a glimpse of Lucas' black swimming shorts, so I stalk forwards, planning on pinging the waist band, something that's normal for us.

As I get closer I see someone else. Riley.

I'm not bothered by that until I see their bodies practically glued together. They're snogging. Underwater. Is that even humanly possible?

I quickly flip and turn back the opposite way, not wanting to disrupt the love birds. My heart beat quickens as guilt engulfs me, nagging at me. Why would  you do this to you're best friend Maya? You're not like that, you can't allow Lucas to cheat on your best friend. Especially when he's cheating on her with you!

I swim as fast as I could, away from everything, away from anyone's consultations of whether I want help.

I hit something hard and I suddenly think Oh damnit  you just swam into a rock you complete and utter idiot.

But the rock's hands held my arm and brought me up to the surface.

"God Maya you looked like a shark that just smelt fresh blood. You're aware you were swimming like you were in some kind of race aren't you?" Zay blabbered, rubbing his chest, as that's were I most likely hit.

I cough a bit then. As if I wasn't in this world. Off day dreaming. Again.

"S-sorry I didn't realise. Um did I hurt you?" I look at him concerned then, slowly regaining consciousness of my surroundings.

"No, no I'm good. Hey, Maya I wanted to talk to you." He said, seriously, which was worrying.

"Ah, doesn't everyone." I say, trying to lighten to the mood before it gets worse.

He looked down for a couple minutes, and I debated just leaving him with his thoughts, but as soon as I kicked my legs in the water to swim away he blurted out the words I probably didn't need to hear.

"Maya I think I'm in love with Missy."

"Oh cr-" I cut myself off quickly. "Oh that's not good."

" No not really is it?"

"Um Zay? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you know what's its like to love someone you can't have."

I gave him a questioning glance and he looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"You know what its like, don't you?" He said again.

"Erm, No..?" I said slowly.


I nodded my head, unsure of where he was going with this.

"So what about your little situation with Lucas.

That time I didn't stop myself from swearing.


"You wanted to talk to me?" I said as I stood in the doorway of Riley's room.

She only nodded her her, so I took her invitation and sat on the bed next to her.

"I need to tell you something." She said, not in her usual, happy and joyous state.

"Riley what's happened?" I say worriedly grabbing her hand and wrapping my finger around hers.

She took a deep breath, and after what seemed like minutes said the words that once again, changed everything.

Because something's happened.

Something's changed.

Something's ending.


Omg I haven't updated in forever and this is a lot shorter than usual but because I haven't updated and I suddenly got bored you now have a new chapter up!

Also if you haven't heard sabs new album you need to!!! I'm listening right now and I think my fav song is dont want it back atm.

Anyways i don't know when I'll update again, but after this chapter the book might be on hiatus once again.

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One Week Away-A GMW Lucaya/Laya FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now