CHAPTER 24 - Asult

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I woke up wrapped in Danny's arms, I carefully got out of bed and walked through the lounge into the kitchen still half asleep. I found a glass and got some water, I walked back through to the lounge and nearly dropped my water, Tom was sat in the corner reading his book.
Morning jess, he said looking up from his book,
Oh morning Tom I didn't see you there, I said sitting down.
Have a nice sleep??? he asked now putting his book down
Yes thanks you??? I asked smiling at him,
Yeah, um do you know what time we need to be at the studio today??? He asked
Um I think it's around 3 isn't it, just for a briefing and stuff???, I asked back,
Oh yeah that's right, Tom said smiling at me,
Where's will??? I asked looking about,
He's over there he said nodding to a sofa at the other end of the room,
Oh yeah, um shall we got out for Lucy when everyone's ready??? I asked getting up and walking back to the kitchen,
Yeah that sounds nice, he said. I came back with another glass of water and slowly walked over to will, I looked back at Tom who was now smiling as he had guessed what I was going to do, I poured the glass of water over him, he quickly sat bolt up right and me and Tom started to laugh, he didn't look very impressed.
Come on its 11:30, I said still laughing, he got up and picked my glass of water of he table and poured it over me, we both started to laugh and I got us both a towel before refilling my glass and walking through to the bedroom, I told will and Tom to follow me. I slowly walked over to the bed and was about to pour it...
Don't you dare! He said opening his eye, I started to laugh along with Tom and will, he got up and pulled me on to the bed causing the water to Go all over us he started to tickle me...
Come on if we want to go out for lunch... Tm said walking back through to the lounge closely followed by will... I got up and had a shower...


Once jess had, had a shower I did before chucking on some black skinny jeans, grey top and leather jacket. While jess was finishing her make up I tidied up the lounge. Ready dan??? I heard jess ask, I turned round and was greeted by her pulling me into a hug. Yeah you??? I asked putting my arms round her. Yeah, let's go she said walking towards the door, we left and meted Tom and will in the lobby. Ready??? They both asked at the same time... Yeah we said laughing at how they had both said it at the same time. We left and went to a nice restaurant. We sat down and ordered. So will, Tom what have you been up to??? I asked sipping my drink,well I've been over to America on tour and finishing up a new album, will said smiling, yeah I've been chilling Tom said laughing, we all laughed and finished our food. We got up and headed back towards the hotel as it was just round the corner. Oh dan ill meet you back at the hotel, I'm just going to pop to the shop and get some food bits for the apartment, jess said stopping, oh ok baby are you sure I can come if you want??? I asked, no no it's ok ill see you in a bit, she said kissing me and walking toward the shops. The shops were only a 2 minute walk away but I felt bad her doing it by herself. Anyway I went back to the apartment. The apartment was open plan and the wall in the living room was just glass like a big window, I looked out and could see for miles, I could see the shops, I saw jess walk into Asda, I text he reeling her I saw her.

To jess,

Hey baby I can see you :p text when your leaving love you dan xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

It wasn't long before she text back,

Oh really hahaha ok I'm now paying love you too Jessie xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Ther was a knock at the door I opened it and it was will, Invited him in and gave him a beer apart from water that's all we had, till jess got back, I ran straight back to the window. Will sat down what you looking at??? he asked opening his beer, oh I can see jess from here, I said sipping my water, oh hahahah he laughed, there she was she was about to turn on the the street of the hotel, there was two hooded people walking towards her, one was a man you could tell, but the other looked like a women. They got closer and closer to her, one of them pushed her down a alley way, I froze my phone started to ring I answered it, *screaming* it was Jessie, I ran and told will to come to I ran down the stairs as I didn't have time to wait for the lift. I got out of the hotel and started to run downt the street toward the ally, oi you get off her! I shouted, one of them quickly turned round and they both ran off, I told will to chase them. While I saw to jess, I got there and she wasn't responding, she had cuts on her face and on her arms, tear fell from my eyes as I called a ambulance,

(O- operator d- Danny)

Hello what the emergence??? O
I need an ambulance, my girlfriend has been attacked! D
Ok I need you to stay calm, where are you??? O
Um in an alley way on on the same road as the horizon hotel in Manchester! D
Ok, we'll an ambulance is on it's way, is she responding??? O
No no she's not! D
Ok, can you give me some information about her please??? Her name??? O
Yeah yeah, Jessica cornish D
Ok and date of birth???
Um march, 27th 1988 D
Ok and is there any health problems, or conditions she is suffering from??? O
Um no but she is pregnant! D
Oh ok, and what injuries have been with stained??? O
Um cuts to the head, and body D, I looked over her body, there was a puddle of blood coming from one of her legs, I looked closer she had been stabbed!
And and she been stabbed in the leg! D
Oh ok right the ambulance is nearly there. D you have a scarf, or something you can wrap above the stab??? O I looked about, jess had a scarf on, I took it off,
Um yes a scarf D
Ok I want you to wrap it really tight above the wound. O
Ok... D

I got up and took my jacket off and roast her head on it before trying to wrap it round, once I had I pick up the phone,

Right is there anyone else with you??? O
Um no, my friend ran after who done this! D tears now falling really heavily down my face...
Ok, we'll I need you to go to the end off the alley way, so the ambulance knows where you are... O
Ok. D, I really didn't want to leave jess!
I ran to the end of the alley way and saw will walking back, he looked exhausted, will, WILL!!! I shouted and COME QUICK QUICK!! I shouted looking back at jess to make sure she was ok, or mother closest to ok she could be. I looked back at will who was doing his best to run back. He got to the edge of the alley with me, right wait here for the ambulance. OH SHIT! Is it that bad?!?!? He asked looking at jess, more tears fell down my cheeks, yeah yeah. I ran back and sat with her, I could hear the ambulance. The ambulance arrived and took jess, I operator spoke to one of the paramedics before, me and will got in and went to hospital...

*jessie (shopping)*

I walked towards the shop and my phone was going crazy, I looked at it, it was twitter. But to fans of mine, fans of Danny... It was more hate! I had been getting hate ever since me and Danny announced we were together... Most of them read,


How come @TheScript_Danny is going out with some slut @JessieJ , he just perfect and she's just some slut!!

@JessieJ @TheScript_Danny Can you imagine Jessica Ellen O'donoghue? NO! Because it shouldn't happen!!

OMG @TheScript_Danny why are you marrying a slut like @JessieJ !?! You could do some much better! (Can I have a follow please? :) )

@JessieJ SLUT!! #slut

And more, but most of them were along them line... I walked into Asda and got a trolley, I got the main thing, bread, milk, tea, coffee, snack, e.g. Crisps, chocolate and fruit. I also got orange and apple juice, before paying and walking out. I put my head phones in and started to walk back, two hooded people walked towards me, kept going because Manchester n known for being ruff! They got closer and the tall of the two pushed me down an alley way. They started to punch and kick me, causing me wince in pain... I managed to get my phone out and call Danny, I just screamed down the phone one of them kicked it way. I started to feel dizzy, I could hear some one shouting it sounded like Danny... One of them hit me right in the leg, it stung and hurt so bad I screamed in pain and I saw Danny run to me and everything went black...

*******will the baby be ok??? Will jessie be ok??? Haha please comment your thoughts and vote, and fan thanks, and thanks for over 1.1K reads it means so much!! :) xx *******

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat