Chapter 76 - hang over

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I woke to the feeling like I was going to be sick, before I could get up, I lent over the edge of the bed and threw up. luckily there was a bucket there. I groaned and rolled back over. The door opened and Danny came in,

Danny: how we feeling?

Jess: fuck off!

I cover my head with the covers,

Danny: oh I guess you don't want these pain killers then?

He went to walk away, yes I need them!

Jess: yes! I'm sorry! please!

He came and sat on the bed. I took the pain killers and down the pint of water.

Jess: what's the time?

Danny: 8:30pm

Jess: what I've slept all day?!

Danny: no you've been asleep for just over 3 hours.

Jess: what?!

Danny: we came home early from the meal...

Jess: why?

Danny: aha cause someone thought they have alias of vodka and shout their head off...

Jess: what?! but I don't drink!

Danny: I know, but you had 3 double vodkas and cokes and they all went straight to your head!

Jess: ahh so this is why I feel like if been drinking 100 yagas!

Danny: would be!

Jess: where's orla?

Danny: with auntie holly.

Jess: why?

Danny: because she wanted feeding and you wanted to do it but you weren't i a fit to hold an apple let alone a baby! so I didn't give her to you and you kicked off, after kicking off and Ellie so we came home and everyone else stayed...

Jess: oh yeah, it's slowly coming back...

Danny: maybe net time if your going to have a drink, start of with something light!

Jess: aha yeah...

Danny: are you hungry at all?

Jess: a little...

Danny: come on...

I staggered down the stair, I caught a glimpse of what I look like in the mirror. good job Orla isn't here, she properly would have slept after seeing me the state I'm in!

We get to the kitchen and I get another pint of water. I sit down at the island and rest my head in my hands.

Danny: what do you want?

Jess: meh, ur um bacon sandwich please?

He made us both a sandwich and I ate it right up. best cure for a hangover - bacon.

Danny: movie?

Jess: sure!

We snuggled on the sofa and put silver lining on, yes the one that has my song as the sound track.

Danny: it's nice to have some us time hu?

Jess: yeah, I can't remember the last time we had just us time!

Danny: yeah..


Jess soon fell back to sleep. I found this all just so funny! the door went, I paused the film and opened the door.

Holly: hey dan, you left these at the restaurant...

She handed me A bag, it was filled with wrapped presents.

Danny: thank you holly!!

Holly: it's ok, how is she?

Danny: she slept, ate and is asleep again.

Holly: awe bless! anyways I'll talk to you tomorrow about bing Orla back...

Danny: ok, but you don't have to keep her now...

Holly: it's fine, give Jess some time to recover ahaha Bye dan!

Danny: ahaha thanks! bye holly!!

I closed the door. I lifted Jess up and took her up stairs. once I had turned everything off and locked the door, I snuggled down with her. even though she stank of aclcohol!

Danny: night babe (whisper)

I kissed the top of her head and fell into a deep sleep...

**** sorry it's short and not amazing! ill update soon:) dedicated to @TeodoraM thanks for all the support!!!  please comment, vote and fan:D****

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