chapter 169 - you not giving up on her

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**A/N some PVOs will still be in jess’s because some chapters will be flashbacks just thought I’d say so you don’t get confused. Even if danny is the one looking through photos for example:D**


Jess has been in a coma for about a week now. We should get the results of the coma depth within the next few days. We have to wait longer for these results because they are more depth, she has had CAT scans and all sorts.

Everyday I’ve looked through my photos and found a picture and thought about the memory that goes with it… I open my phone and scroll randomly up through my photo stream. I stop and smile. Every photo I’ve stopped on has made me smile because even if jess was ill she was better than this.

The photo was of jess holding a list of things to do; it was taken just the end of January after she had been diagnosed.


Jess was sat on a stool twirling a glass of water between her fingers.

Jess: there was so much I wanted to do before I turned 30… before I died…

Danny: like what?

Jess: I don’t know…

Danny: why don’t you make a list and we will do as much of it as we can?

She looked up and her face lit up and she almost ran off. I smile and make two cups of tea. She soon came back with her note pad and a pen. I placed the two cups of tea on the side and sat opposite her.

Danny: so what have you always wanted to do?

Jess: go on holiday back in Cornwall where I did as a child…

Danny: ok, that’s doable…

She scribbled it down,

Danny: next?

Jess: um… to help sick kids… go see them in a hospital or care home or something…

Danny: awh that’s sweet…

She wrote it down

Jess: I wanna…. I wanna… I wanna… stop getting to excited over this!

I laugh

Danny: its good… you seem happy…

Jess: because I am! I wanna help evie out; I wanna help her into singing!

Danny: you’re so sweet… I love you!

She smiled and wrote it down.

Jess: I want to go to Times Square in New York for new years and I also want to go out in London when they do all the big displays…

Danny: that’s 2 more points, write them down! Times Square on New Year’s would be amazing!

She nodded and continued to write. Since she was turning 30 she wrote down 30 things to do. It seemed to make her happy.

*End of flash back*

I wipe a tear. We had planned to go to New York this year, to see the big fireworks and the countdown but when jess went downhill quickly we had to cancel it. I sigh and pull my chair close to jess’s bed, I pick her hand up.

The door opened but I didn’t look up, I continued to watch jess’s chest slightly rise up and down.

Doctor: Danny?

I look at him

Doctor: I came to give you a little information on what will happen next… may i?

He gestured to a chair, I nodded and he sat down.

Doctor: there are different types and stages of a coma… its likely jess’s will be able to feel a presences near her, and work out when someone’s there… she may be able to hear and understand you so it’s good to introduce yourself everytime you enter the room... Jessie’s memory and movement should be fine after a day or so of waking up as it’s just a shutdown coma…

I nod along

Danny: h-how long will she be like this?

Doctor: it’s very hard to say, we will be constantly monitoring Jessie’s brain activity and progress…

I nod, he soon leaves.

Danny: hi babe, i-it’s me… I don’t even know if you can hear me or not, im sorry. Im sorry you have to stay like this… I hate it. I hope I can hold you in my arms again soon. I miss you. That’s the understatement of the year.

I closed my eyes to hold bad the tears and kissed her hand. Before when she feels into a coma I always had a feeling deep down that she’d be ok… but now? Now I really don’t know, it’s like I want to believe she will be ok- I feel I should believe but I don’t know if I can. Everything that keeps on happening… the sight of her ever being ok again is slipping further and further away!

The door opens again and holly stood in the door way. Tears running down her cheeks, her eyes fixed on jess.

Danny: holly? Come sit down…

Her face a mixed emotions of sadness, tiredness, fear and shock. She slowly turned to faced me. She shook her head

Holly: im sorry.

She turned and ran out. I knew what she meant but I weren’t going to let her give up on jess. Not now, not ever.

I got up and ran after her. It was cold outside and I didn’t have a jacket. I ran about looking for holly.

Danny: holly?! HOLLY?!

I heard sniffles coming from round a corner. I turned it and saw holly sat on a bench head in her hands crying.

Danny: no. you’re not doing this. You’re not giving up on her too.

She just bit her bottom lip and closing her eyes trying to hold back the tears.

Danny: im not going to let you. Ever. She needs you holly!




***im so so so sorry I haven’t updated I’ve just been struggling with what and how to write thisJ but hopefully got some ideas now but please suggest some ideasJ please comment, vote and fan:Dxx***

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