chapter 150! - a place like home

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jess has been in hospital for a week now, its hard im not going to lie. not being able to go to sleep with eachother- have dinner together or be at home all the time. btu we are pulling through. i know she hates it, i hate it, and orla hates it. they wont let me stay with her over night and we are ristricted to visiting hours. 

lets just say this whole thing sucks!

me and jess also have decided that because jess is going to get a lot worse before she gets better that orla cant come to the hospital as much now. its not fair to see her mum like that- and jess doesnt want orlas last memories if she does go to be of her that ill. 

she wont go of course! i have all my faith in her! 

im laid in bed, orla next to me just thinking. about the past few months. everything was turned upside down so fast. we went from having a baby, to getting married, to this. and i still dont understand how, we have had so much crap chucked at us. 

i slowly get out of bed not waking orla and go down stairs. i walk over to the book shelf and grab one of the photo albums. i slowly open it. i smile as momories flood back. 

the first few are me and jessie at the voice. the smiles on our faces that no one could touch. genuine smiles. its been ages since ive seen jess genuinly smile. there we pictures of us on holliday and nights out with friends. and in all of them we look so happy. what happened? 

i close that one and open another. it has picture of jess when she was first pregnant, and the scan. each picture has a memo with it, next to the scan and a picture of jess it says

'too beautiful for earth...'

i know that still hurts her today. and i dont blame her, it still hurts me. and although i never heard their cries, never got to feel their kick or ever got to hold them close. it doesnt mean i dont love them. they were my little baby, how ever small or soon they were tore away. sometimes i think about if they would have been a girl or a boy, if jess hadent of had a miscarriage would things have turned out differently? would i be sat here today? 

i wipe my eyes and look in another one. it has pictures of when jess was pregnant with orla. the pictures from our holidays, christmas when i asked her to marry me. the wedding and birthdays. still that smile never dropping. it makes me smile through my tears. life seemed so happy and simple. 

there are some of jess recently, orlas birthday, jessies birthday, our anniversary. 

orla: whats wrong daddy?

i look towards the door and see orla stood there. i wipe my eyes

danny: nothing baby, come here

she comes over and i pick her up sittting her on my lap. she cuddles into my chest and i rub her back

orla: is it mummy?

danny: no baby, just thinking about a lot of things...



orla: am i seeing nanny cornish today?

danny: yes baby.. 

______later on_______

im sat with jess and she seems distant today. 

danny: babe?

she turned her head to look at me

danny: whats wrong?

she gave me 'you serious?!' look

danny: no i mean, you seem distant?

jess: just thinking... thinking about everything we've been through...

danny: i was doing that this morning too... 

jess: its crazy

danny: i know... i was thinking about the miscarriage... 

jess: louis

danny: what?

jess: i like the name louis and it can be a girl and boys name, i thought they still deserve a name, louis?

danny: i like louis... 

i smile at her and kiss her hand. she rests her head on my shoulder. 

jess: i hate this room, so plain and boring...

skyler soon came and took jess for some tests, those words ring and bounce in my brain. i get up and run to the car, i drive home and grab two suit cases. i grab loads of jess's clothes and pack them, i grab some bed sheets, a rug, curtains and a few of her favourite things. i grab soem pictures and put them all in the suit cases. 

i put them in the car saying goodbye to orla and rose on the way. i drove back to the hospital and found jess's room. i rushed about sorting everything out- i wanted to do it before she got back. i laid the rug out, hung her clothes up- yep she has a wardrobe. put some toiletries in the 'bathroom' and changed her bedding. 

i put some pictures about and made everything look nice. i lit a few incense to make it smell a bit more homely. i lay a cushion on the bed and jess gets wheeled in. i hear her gasp and i turn round smiling. 

danny: not so boring now...

jess: thank you so much! dan... this... this... this is amazing! thank you!

i went over and picked her up, skyler left and i put jess on the bed. i sat with her and we lay cuddled for ages, just enjoying each others company. my phone goes off, it was my ipad on facetime? orla! i smile and answer it. 

jess spoke to her for ages, she always lights up when she sees her. it was really nice, skyler soon came back and we said goodbye to orla.

skyler: sorry to interupt

danny: oh dont worry about it

i smile

skyler: just letting you know, your results are back already and its all good, your cold/illness has pretty much cleared up now and no big changes in your condition. 

she smiled and we thanked her. it soon got late and i had to leave. jess had tears in her eyes, i tried to keep mine back. ill never get used to this!

jess: thank you so much for doing this for me! 

danny: oo hang on

i grab one of my t-shirts and give it too her, she smiles

jess: thank you!

danny: i love you so much! ive got some promo tomorrow but ill come straight after ok?

jess: yeah. i love you too! give orla a big kiss from me!

danny: i will

i gave her one more hug before leaving. this is like a place like home...

******sorry i thought i had published it last night :/ oops yeah i will update what is love tonight as weel:D thank you too everyone who has read my challenge:) please comment, vote and fan:Dxx******

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