Chapter 82 - FanFiction

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I'm sunbathing outside, I'm reading on my phone. me and Danny are just relaxing today. I'm still tired from yesterday.

Danny walks out carrying food and drinks. I smile at him as he places the tray im between our sunbeds.

Danny: what you up to?

Jess: not much just reading...

Danny: oh what you reading?

Jess: ur... Um... nothing

Danny: what is it?

Jess: ok it's a fan fiction...

Danny: a what?

Jess: a fan fiction, it's where fans write made up stories about celebs...

Danny: um ok? so who you reading about?

Jess: us...

Danny: what?!

Jess: I know I know but... I don't know...

Danny: isn't it weird though? like reading a story about you, that's not real?

Jess: yes and no...well I don't read loads and I didn't just decide to read it! some sent me a link to this writers account called @hearbeat2424 so I looked and she has written a few so I read them, well still do when she updates...

Danny: but still?!

Jess: aha I don't really find it that weird. not hers but some make out me to be a bitch and you a dick. But some are nice, they write about our kids, marriage, family, everything... I quite like it...

Danny: go on then, let me read one...

Jess: ok um read this one it's call 'it takes two to make love work'...

I handed the phone over and laid back. He makes me laugh Danny. I drank my drink and ate lunch. I would hear Danny say 'noooooo' or 'awh' or laugh every now and again, I smiled to myself. I don't really we the weirdness in it, maybe if we weren't together I would. Like I don't like, no, fell weird about the ones saying I'm gay and stuff but the ones with me and Danny, not really...

Jess: so what do you think?

Danny: it's good, I really love her style of writing!

Jess: same! She has 5? stories I think... all about us... ahaha

He wasn't listening, he was too involved in the story. I got up and grabbed my laptop. i opened my emails and went to the fanmail section. I had loads, I slowly went through answering them, I loved answering fan mail. in not one of those artists that don't answer fans and our complete dicks. I always try to when we can!

Email one,

Hi jessie,

My name is Christi, I'm 14 and a huge heartbeat! your music has inspired me so much. to just be true to who I am. I haven't had the easiest of lives, my mum and dad both died when I was young. I lived on the streets for a few years before getting put in a home.

I'm have now been fostered and put into a school though! at school I'm studying music, it's my favourite! I love singing and writing songs... I hope one day I can become a singer :) just like you!

How is danny, orla, tommy, holly, Clair and everyone else? I hope they are ok! Orla must be getting big now! awh! well I know you probably won't see this but never mind I can try!

Love you jessie!

From number one heartbeat Christi! ❤️ xxx

Wow. That really touched me! Most of the fanmail is normally like can you follow me on twitter, notice me and all that... But this one stuck out, really personal! I took no time in replying!

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now