Chapter 98 - stay with me?

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I got out of the pool to get a drink. I walked along the pool edge to the bar.

Bar man: yes sir?

Danny: can I have 5 diet cokes, 1 coke, 3 Guinness and 2 spritzers please...

bar man: coming up...

i poured the drinks and put them on a tray he was doing the last one when jess came up next to me.

bar man: well hello!

danny: shes mine

bar man: lucky man! sorry

danny: its fine!

jess: wanna help carrying thoses?

danny: that would be lovely thanks...

we took the drinks back and cuddled on a sunbed thing. the weather was gorgeous! 




ian: oh fuck off dara! no one wants you here!

dara walked off.




clair: ill see you later jess i feel i bit eicky...

jess: oh ok hun, ill come see you in a bit..

she walked off. 

jess: i love you

danny: i love you too- you ok?

jess: yeah, just a bit hot. i might take orla for her nap

danny: oh ok, well ill pop up in a bit

she kissed me and picked orla up.


i laid orla down on the bed and put cusions round her so she wouldnt fall out. i could hear shouting? in the corridor. clair? i put my ear to the door, what are friends for? ear wigging!

clair: but you can't!

man: why not! no one wants me here!


clair: i want you here!

dara: i have no where to stay! no money! and now probably no family...

clair: you- you- you can stay with me! get a job!

dara: really?

clair: yes! ive loved spending time with you!

dara: i love spending time with you too, but i dont want to push you into anything...

clair: your not! come on lets go back outside...

silence. what. are- they together? so confused!




soon danny came up, i woke up on the bed. i must have fallen asleep. it was time to go. we put our bags in the car and said goodbye to everyone.

i hugged clair.

jess: be careful with dara, dan thinks he is bad news, so when he stays just be safe! (whisper)

clair: but how? (whisper)

i smiled. and turned to orla.

jess: mummy is going to miss you! but are you going to be a good girl for nanny and grandad cornish yeah?

i gave her a kiss and held back the tears.

orla: i dont want mummy and danny tow gwo

jess: awh baby! ill call you everyday yeah!

orla: nwo mummy! dont gwo!

she was crying i was crying. 

orla: nwo mumm! daddy! nwo! 

rose: just go, she will be fine in a minute...

jess: i cant!

rose: go!

i got in the car, dan said his goodbyes and i cried into his cest. i really broke my heart to see her crying like that!

**** sorry its really bad i just wanted update something!:) please comment, vote and fan:D 

just letting you guys know, those who guessed the story would finish on the honey moon guessed.... wrong. so more to come :) xx***

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now