Chapter 75 - drunk

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We arrive at the restaurant. I got Orla out she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful, I took Danny's hand and we walked in. We walked into somewhere fancy as a family, oh how if dreamed of this day.

Waiter: do you have reservations?

Jess: yes, under the name Cornish.

Waiter: oh yes, right this way please?

We followed him and came to a huge table. Me and Dan sat down one end and waited for the others to arrive.

Jess: you ready for your next present?

Danny: what?! I don't need anything else, babe I just need you!

Jess:*sight* would you quit your moaning!

I reached into the present bag, I rummaged about till I found the next present, I pulled it out and put it in front of him. He read the tag and started to open it. Once the paper was some beats,

Jess: you have been on about needing some new headphones...

Danny: they are perfect thank you!

We shared a kiss but got interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We both look up and see everyone standing there. I felt myself blush, they all sit down with holly, glen, mark, rina and Clair sitting closest and my sisters and all kids down the other end.

It's so nice, everyone together.

Danny: so how's my favourite nephew then?

He said it loud enough for holly and glen to hear but not so the other kids heard.

Holly: he's been Good yeah, here ya...

She passed him over,

Danny: god he's getting big now isn't he?!

Glen: yeah

Jess: how old is he now?

Holly: err um 2 months yesterday...

Jess: aww!

We sat down, we were in are own little area, all by ourselves.

Ellie: happy birthday dan!

We all look up, and there stood Ellie.

Danny: what are you doing here!?!

Ellie: I came as soon as you text...

Danny: what?!?

Ellie: you text me saying you wanted to see me and you were sorry!

Danny: bullshit! I haven't even got your number anymore!!

Ellie: we'll do you mind if I join you?

Danny: in matter of fact I do!

Ellie: well tough shit!

With that she found a chair and sat down. This will be fun!

Jess: so Ellie what have you been up to?

Ellie: oh not much, just modelling and holiday, you?

Jess: oh just looking after the little one...

Ellie: oh urn great...

Waiter: can I take your order?

Danny: yes please do! I'll have Guinness, prawn cocktail and roast please?!

Waiter: sure...

Jess: vodka and coke, no make that a double, um scallops and roast please?

Waiter: sure

#janny (JessieJ and danny o'donoghue fanfiction) xxWhere stories live. Discover now