chapter 174 - fight for my girl

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Im pacing up and down waiting for doctor Belgrave to come back. How could he not tell me?! Im her fucking husband! I look over at jess; she has a tube running into her nose and behind her ears. She has monitoring wires and wires and tubes I don’t even know what are doing coming out of her.

Danny: where is he?!

Hannah: Danny calm down…

Hannah, holly, rose and Steven are here.

Danny: calm down?! He has news about whether jess is going to live or not and he isn’t here!

I pace and pace. After about 20 minutes the doctor comes back in.

Doctor: sorry everyone, Mr and Mrs Cornish, if you would like to follow me to my office so we can discuss the next options for Jessie…

Hannah: wait-

Danny: what about us?!

Doctor: im sorry but i must speak with Jessie’s parents-


Hannah: and I’m her sister!

Doctor: it’s not my decision…

Hannah: mum dad, come on!

Rose: ok, doctor please let them hear…

He nodded and holly said she would stay with jess while we go talk about her next move. We sat down in his office and he found jess’s documents.

Doctor: right, as you know jessie is in a state 2 coma and has made it further than anyone could of said… she really is a fighter… however most recent scans show that Jessie’s body is reacting still to the chemotherapy, however the next choice is whether to push jessie up on the forth and finally stage of chemotherapy or not…

Danny: why wouldn’t you? She has come all this way!

Doctor: Jessie’s body is at an all-time weakness, if we push jessie up a stage it may push her body over the edge and the pain levels for her will be harder and it will be even more draining… however not giving her the next dosage will mean her battle will end shortly… the cancer will spread and she will have a few week maybe a month or so… it’s something at needs to be decided now because you can’t say no and then in a few days change your minds as the cancer will develop and the battle that jessie has already fought will have been for nothing…

Rose: so, um, if we go ahead she will be in more pain and discomfort and not defiantly survive but if we don’t she won’t survive…

Doctor: yes, we need a decision by the end of the day, week at the latest…

I just stare at him and we finally leave.

Danny: you can’t seriously be thinking over this?

Rose: danny I know this is hard, but she is our daughter and the thought of her being in more pain than now hurts me… she may not make it through this whatever so why put her through the extra pain?

Danny: because that is what she would of wanted!

I say it taking all my effort to hold back the anger- even though it showed a little

Rose: she would have wanted to be in pain?

Danny: you know that’s not what I mean! Jess wanted to fight until the end! Stopping her treatment will give her no fight- stopping her treatment means you might as well give up on her like Rachel did!

Rose: you don’t understand how hard this decision is, she is my daughter lying there and I can’t bear to think of her in pain breaks my heart! So in some ways not carrying on is better for her than carrying on…


I walk off before are rage at them more. How can they even be debating this?! I get back to jess’s room and just sit down. I pick up jess’s hand up and hold in gently in fear that id snap it.

Danny: im sorry jess, I feel vie let you down but I don’t get a say… im your husband and I don’t get a choice… I promised you that I would stay by you and give you a fight but now im going to have to stand by and watch them give up on you… im so sorry I don’t know what to do, is this right? Is it better for you to stop treatment and let you slowly slip away? - What the fuck of course not, see even im debating it now…I don’t know whats right… I need you here, I need you to wake up, and I need you to survive… I need them to give you a fight…

I looked down as tears started to pour from my eyes. Holly came and sat next to me and hugged me tight. I explained to her what the doctor had said.

Holly: your right Danny, you know jess more than anyone… I know rose and Steven won’t want to hear that as that’s their daughter but she opened up to you more than anyone and you see a different jess to what we do, you know what she would of wanted… but whatever you choice or whatever you do I know jess wouldn’t mind because you would have had your reasons, she won’t love you any less… right now she is probably screaming saying your right and that she loves you… jess would of wanted to fight this- even I know that… she wouldn’t of wanted to give up now as all that time she spent crying and in pain would have been for nothing… she would want to keep going…

Danny: it’s not my decision, it’s her parents…

Holly: make them see that then, talk to them, talk to them like you have confidence and reason, make them listen to you, and if they still decided against it at least you can live a little better knowing you tried your very hardest and you’ll know that jess knows you didn’t give up on her…

Danny: your right hols, I need to see them, convince them…

I wiped my eyes and kissed jess’s forehead before heading to jess’s parents’ house. I can’t sit and watch them give up on jess knowing I did nothing to try and stop them. Im going to fight for my girl. Even if they decided still to go against me- which they probably will, like holly said I know that jess will know I didn’t give up on her…




***oooo so to continue or not to continue is the question… haha please comment, vote and fan:Dxx***

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