Chapter 33 - Janny or No Janny

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What, what was she going to do, I was 2 hours away who's near!? I was panicking so bad, will, WILL,

*phone call to Will*

Hey dan what's up? W

Jess! D

What about her? W

Get to her! D

What why!? W

JUST DO IT! I'll explain on the way! D

Ok ok now leaving, what? W

Um she she she called me saying she loved me and goodbye I think she's going to do something stupid!!! D

Oh shit! Ok nearly there I'll call you back later... W

Ok oh fuck! Bye will D

Bye dan W

*end of call*

Dan are you ok?! M

Um um we we we we need to go!! D

Um ok dan are you ok? G

We got in our car and drove back.

Why why why is she doing this to me!? D

Dan she's been through a lot! M

And I haven't!!!! D

That's not what I'm saying dan! M

The rest of the journey was silent they dropped me off and I walked into the flat, WIll or Jess weren't here. I didn't know what to think or what to feel so I got a beer and sat on the sofa with my head in my hands...



I woke up blinded by lights. I realised I was in a hospital room things started to come back. Why am I here, how am I here, I don't want to be anywhere! Oh hi miss Cornish how you feeling? Asked a doctor entering, um I'm ok, I said good um I have a few more test then you can go home but we also need to have a chat, he said sitting down. Ok I sighed. Right you took a large amount of pills! But just enough that it wouldn't kill you, was this because you wanted to go but you didn't so like a cry for help??? He asked in that sympathetic voice, I nodded. Well we have looked over your recorded and your been through a lot and we have made a few calls and we think, no we know your suffering from depression, so you will be able to go hoe if you can promise me that you will take one if these tablets everyday and once a mouth you come in for a check up, this will be for 6 months ok??? Oh and after them 6 month we will be able to assess weather you have bipolar... I'm sorry, oh wow, Ok so can I go home??? Yeah here these the the tablets and is this a card with all your appointments on, I'm I'll go get your friend... He said handing me a box, card and walking out.

What have I gotten into, the 5 days Danny was gone I couldn't cope, I wouldn't have been able to cope even if he was here... But hopefully these tablets will help and I know why I was feeling like that. The door opened and Will walked in, hey jess how you feeling??? Good thanks where's Danny??? I asked um I don't know he called me and said he was worried and thought you were going to do something stupid! Bbt he hasn't been here so I don't know... Come on let's get you home, he said helping me up, wait what about my crutches I said sitting up, the doctor said you don't need them anymore. Thank god for that there such a pain!! I say laughing. We walk out and I thank the doctor and Will drove me home.

We pulled upside, thanks Will ill text you thanks you've been amazing! I say leaning over and hugging him, it's ok jess your one of my Best friends anytime, he said as I got out. I walk in, I saw dan sitting on the sofa, I walked and sat next to him, I went to hug him but he flinched dan? I asked hurt and concerned,

Jess you scared me! D

I'm so sorry dan I just let everything get to me! J

Jess I thought I had lost you! D

Well I'm here now... J

Why jess, why you doing this to me! D

It's all about you isn't it! Oh hi jess how are you no, just me me me me me!!! J

Jess your my life! So I'm sorry if I come across a bit worked up but! D

But what dan! If been through a lot recently and it all got to me!! So I'm sorry! J

Your not the only one that's been through a lot jess!! D

That's not what I mean! J

No it's not what anyone means! D

What does that mean!? J

I can't do to now! D and with that he walked out, I sank in the sofa baht have I done! I've properly wrecked everything we have! I just sat and cried...


I had to clear my head! I could I be with her anymore, I mean I love her, but I can't cope if she's going to be like this! I think ill just go stay with my ma for a bit... I got back any walked straight to the bedroom and got my case and re packed it and a bag which I ill end with more bits...

Dan dan what are you doing! Where you going!? J










What jess!? D

Where are you going!? *tears streaming down her face* J

I can't be doing with this now! I'm going to stay with my ma for awhile... I'm sorry jess! D

What! Danny I'm sorry what I said earlier what I've done to you for everything! But we can get through this! J

Can we jess! I went away for 5 day and on my way home I get a call from you saying good bye and you try and kill yourself! D

I lost it ok! J

You've got some screws loose you really have! When I loose it I don't try and kill myself! D

No yo just go kiss your ex's! And Danny you will never know what it's like to go through what I have! I wake up everyday and see the hurt if cause you in our eyes the hurt if caused everyone!!! But if that's how you feel! J

Look I'm sorry for the thing with Ellie and I'm sorry for everything you've been through but that's not my fault! I can't be with someone that as soon as things get hard they try and kill themselves!! You need to sort it out jess! You really do! D

Fine Danny fine! I'm sorry that I hit rock bottom and started to suffer from depression, any I'm sorry I might have bipolar but if you can't handle that maybe we shouldn't be together!i said I was going to marry you because I thought you understood me' and that you were different but I guess not! You were meant to support me through whatever! But no! And your saying I tried to run when things got hard what are you doing!? But go Danny take your fucking ring with you too! Good bye I'll be gone by the time you get back! J

I'm sorry jess bipolar wow! I I I...

I don't want to hear it you've said what you think no good bye! J


I could tell I hurt him but what he said, 'you need to sort it out' 'you've got screws loose' really hurt! I'm sorry he whispered as he shrugged out. I sank to the floor I floods of tear,


It's amazing how much bullshit or how far someone can say or go to make you have sex with them!! #thanksall

Second tweet,

You were meant to be the ying to my yang! But I guess not! #yangbutnoying

Third tweet,

Same old same old!!

I threw my phone across the room in anger and just sat crying...

*******so janny or no janny??? 😵😳😮😦😧😲 aha ill update soon thanks for all the support especially from 'fizzmoo' :) xxx (it's not finished yet just saying ;) ) ******

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