Chapter 129 - such a sweet young lady!

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It's Monday so chemo. It's so tiring this whole cancer thing. I climb onto the bed and rummage through my bag and find my iPad. I finally manage to get comfy.

A nurse walks in- she looks like she should still be in school!

Nurse: um, jessica cornish?

Jess: yes?

Nurse: sorry, I don't know my way round yet, my dad's meant to be helping me but god knows where he is! so your having chemo?

Jess: yes

Fuck sake! I don't know whether I trust her! she doesn't even know why I'm here!

Nurse: ok, um right...

She came over and started to fiddle with the wires. She goes to insert the IV line I don't know what she did but-

Jess: OW!

Nurse: oh god! sorry! shit sorry! Um I'm sorry! oh god I'm really nervous!

Danny: hey it's ok, what's your name?

She looks at Danny and almost freezes.

Danny: hello? *laugh*

Nurse: sorry, sorry, I must be coming off as a right un experienced stupid thing!

Jess: well not coming off amazingly-

Danny: jess! sorry no, just nerves what's your name?

Nurse: sky-ler, m-my names skyler

Danny: hi skyler, just take a breathe and try again *smile* *soft*

What the hell? he is acting all weird with her!

Jess: what happened to my other nurse?!

Skyler: ur um I don't know, I just know I've got to experience this area of care to pass my degree- I'm normally down on the children's ward...

Jess: oh ok, um would you mind getting Dr Belgrave please?

Skyler: oh yeah sure...

She quickly redoes my IV line and quickly walks out.

Jess: you know her face is a few inches higher...

Danny: what?!

I raise my eye brows and give him a smug look.

Danny: what's your problem today?!

Jess: nothing, just saying her face isn't on her chest...

Danny: oh for fuck sake would you sort it out please?!

I almost laugh, more a really?! laugh. I look the other way and here him sigh.

Soon dr Belgrave comes through.

Dr Belgrave: miss cornish, always a pleasure! my daughter says you want me?

Jess: she's your daughter? oh ok. Um I was just wondering when my next scan is?

Dr Belgrave: she sure is, gunna be the best nurse in the business!

I wouldn't count on it.

Dr Belgrave: and I have planned to take a blood test today and just check everything and then in about 2 weeks you will have another scan ok?

Jess: yeah, thank you

Dr Belgrave: skyler can you take Jessie's blood please?

She nods and comes over. She starts to take my blood. She turns and puts the needle in a bin and goes to put the tube of blood- yuk- on the table, it goes spinning of and smashes on the floor!

Skyler: oh god! sorry! Oh my god! I'm so sorry!

Dr Belgrave: skyler! what is wrong with you today?!

Skyler: just nervous! sorry!

She takes it again and he dad tells her to take it straight for testing.


I don't know what Jessie's problem is. Just in a bad mood I think.

Dr Belgrave: sorry, this means a lot this day for her, and I didn't see who she was to care for-

Danny: what do you mean?

Dr Belgrave: she is a big Danny and janny fan- sorry

Danny: haha it's fine, we all get nervous!

He soon left us alone and Jess was on her iPad. I could see her flinch and tense every now and again. It's getting more painful now.

Skyler soon and back to check Jessie's reading and machines.

Danny: so you at uni then skyler?

Skyler: yeah

Danny: how long left then?

Skyler: um not that long, another year I think

Danny: wow, so taking after your father then?

Skyler: yeah, I always wanted to be something in medical!

Danny: awh, well good luck!

Skyler; t-thank you! you know when I saw Jessie's name, I freaked! I'm big fans of both of you!

Danny: thank you

Jess: thanks.

Danny: sorry she isn't in a great mood!

Skyler: sorry, I'll leave you now

I smile and she goes. Such a sweet young lady! me and jess sit, im holding her hand, but sh eis holding back loosely. i dont know whats wrong with her, hopefully just the drugs. who knows. but non of its skylers fault. i think if jess could get over her mood, they would get on!

****sorry Rhi it's not exactly what we spoke about but more to come ;) so skyler hu? Thoughts? Please comment, vote, and fan:Dxx****

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