Chapter 3

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Jenette is my best friend. She's my only friend. She doesn't know much about me to judge me, but she knows enough to care. We've been friends ever since I moved in with my sister from New Orleans. I think about home all the time, but even there I had to hide myself.
I looked in the mirror debating If I should take a shower yet. My clothes were so comfy already but I knew I had to get clean. I pulled the layers off, one by one, and very slowly. I took off my hat last, letting my curly thick hair fall to the back of my legs. I just stood there staring, naked and disgusted, at myself.
My skin holds to many scars and to many bad memories. I started looking at the scars. From my neck all the way down to my feet. "I'm a monster." I whisper to myself. I felt the tears about to flow until I heard my sister knock on the door.
"You ok in there baby girl? Let me in."
"Uhh... just a minute!"
I grabbed a too big T-shirt and some jogging pants and opened the door. At first she stood there with a confused look. Then she let out a sigh and grabbed my shoulders.
"Cleo? Whats wrong sweetie?"
I didn't realize I still had tears in my eyes.
"Nothing Peaches. I'm fine." I said brushing off her hands and walking towards my bed. Once I sat down Peaches came and sat down next to me.
"You were looking at your body again, weren't you?"
I nodded slightly. She knows me to well. That's one thing I always adored about Peaches. She always knew what the problem was.
"Well that one isn't too bad." She said, pointing to the scar on my arm.
"You always say that" I muttered choking back the tears.
"Thats cause I mean it." I look at her and she smiled. I love her so much. I smiled back, a goofy grin, and she busted out laughing. I giggled a little.
"See. There's the Cleo I know." Peaches ran her fingers threw my hair and hummed a little tune. Out of no where, Tony barges in my room.
"You, downstairs. Now!" He yelled, pointing towards Peaches. She quickly got up and made herself out of my room. Once she was gone, he looked at me with a smirk on his face and closed the door. He made his way to my bed and sat next to me. I stiffened.
"Relax baby girl. I'm not gone hurt you." He whispered in my ear. His hands started to roam my body. He started rub my inner thigh. I jumped off the beds and backed away.
"Please don't Tony." I said nervously.
"Come here" he demanded
"Please don't make me. I have tons of homework. And I didn't shower today."
I tried to sound as convincing as I could, coming up with more excuses in my head. He stood up and walked towards me. His face were inches from mine. "Fine. But next time, no exuces." He leaned down in my neck and in haled my scent. He stood back up, placed his hand on my hips and stroked it. Then he walked out leaving my door open. I let out a tired sigh.
"Why me lord?" I whispered to myself. I shook my head, took off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and went to bed too tired to put on pajamas. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Or maybe not.

This chapter is a little longer. Hope you enjoyed it. Rememeber to vote, comment, recommend, and follow me on Instagram @ princess_mariiiii

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