Chapter 15

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Cleo POV

"You really don't remember me, do you? Who I really am?" He asked.

"Should I? " I questioned
He sighed a little and walked a little closer to me.
"My name is Donaven. I knew your parents and sister. Especially your father. We were very close."

I barely knew my own father.
I started to ask a question but Zeph interuptted.
"Excuse me sir. Me and Cleo are working on a project. We would like it of you leave please."

Donaven looked at Zeph with a side eye.
"Well I guess I could talk to you another time then. Here's my card. Call me when your sister gets here."
Donaven smirked at Zeph. Zeph rolled his eyes and walked over towards me.
Donaven looked at me and gave me a warm smile

"Don't forget" Donaven said still smiling at me. I blushed and nodded my head.

Once Donaven left me and Zeph finished the project earlier than expected. We finished taping the "wedding", acted out a few arguments and other typical married couple scenarios, and then took a break to eat a snack.

"Whew! All that filming in one day got me super hungry." Zeph said while in the fridge.
"It's chips in the pantry. Get the dip out of the door of the refrigerator." I instructed.
 Zeph did as told and sat down at the table. I got the chips and started eating.
Then Zeph started talking.

"So do you know him?" Zeph ask with a full mouth.

"No. And if I do I don't remember him. I'll ask my sister when she gets home."

I'd honestly rather not talk about it. But it's better than talking about what happened earlier.

"Oh. And don't think I forgot about earlier. "


"I don't know what your talking about." I mumbled.
"Come on Cleo. Why you hiding them tattoos? The one I seen was kinda sexy..."
 I smirked at him.
Zeph smiled, wipped his hands, and pulled his chair close to mine.

"You really think so?" I asked still smirking.
"Mhmn" Zeph moaned more than responded.
I heard a car door outside close and lock. I'm guessing its my sister. I hopped up and run towards the door. I opened the door before she was on the steps.

"Hey baby cakes. How's ya day been? "

"Umm good I guess. Let me get that."
I grabbed her bag and purse and we headed in the house.

"How about you? You always so worried bout me Peaches."
She smiled a little
"It's been hard but I ain't complaining. And I got that promotion I been talking bout. But I feel I earned it."

"That's good" I said proudly

 Peaches went to te kitchen and I followed. Zeph wasn't there but I decided to tell Peaches that he was here.

"You hungry baby cakes?" She asked while pulling stuff out if cabinets.

"No ma'am. Me and Zeph ate a little before you came." I mumbled a little.

Peaches looked at the table and seen the chips and dip. Then she looked up at me with a wide grin on her face.

"You must reaaaallllyyy like him girl. Wait Is he here?" She asked

I nodded my head.

She slowly walked towards the kitchen door then sprinted out towards the stairs upstairs.

I quickly ran after her.
Of course she reached my room before I did and when I opened the door she was already talking Zeph's ear off.

"So what's your real name? " she asked.
Zeph looked at me and giggled a bit

"It's Zephaniah. Like the book in the Bible."
"Oh that is so beautiful."
I interrupted.
"OK ok thats enough with the questions. You can leave now."
"Alright I'll leave. I was just trying to get to know your bboooooyyffrriiieennddd"

Zeph laughed put loud and I just sighed and blushed.

So I made this chapter a little short cause I was too lazy to write a lot. Tell me what you think of Donaven. Don't forget to vote, recommend, and follow me on Insta @m.icyy

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