Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning and my eyes were puffy from yesterday. I crawled out of bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and made my way to my closet to pick out my clothes.
I picked out a long sleeve athletics shirt with a t shirt to go over it, the biggest pair of pants I could find, and my converses. I saw my scars peeking from my neck so I found a scarf to cover it up. I grabbed my book bag and phone and headed downstairs.
Before I could reach the stairs Tony grabbed me by the arm and swung me towards him. He had me tightly around the waste and his lips were planted on mine. He kissed me hungrily. I pushed him away, gasping for air.
Tony looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Cleo! Come eat or you'll be late to school!" Peaches yelled from downstairs. I glanced at Tony. He walked towards me and leaned down to my ear.
"Tonight, I'm getting what I want. Remember, no excuses." He threatened. When he brushed passed me, a shiver went down my spine. I felt the tears about to flow but I quickly pulled myself together and went downstairs.
"Morning Baby cakes." Peaches grinned. I smiled faintly.
"I gotta go." I said walking away.
"Wait! I made breakfast." She insisted.
"No time Peachy." I grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door.


"Everyone turn to page 380. Do the all lesson review in each section. Turn in all work after class. I have to go run copies. Ill be back." Mr. Brown said.
As soon as he walked out the class filled with noise. People were gossiping, talking on the phone, laughing, etc....
I was thinking about food until I was interrupted by a piece of balled paper hitting me in the face.
"Uh oh! Someone hit the weirdo!"
"We better hurry before she blows up the school!" I heard people teasing me. And then I heard the most sweetest voice ever.
"Come on y'all. Leave her alone. She ain't bothering nobody." I turned and looked at him. It was Zeph. Zeph was handsome. But he was also Nicole's ex. I blushed when I seen him look and smile at me.
"Looks like Zeph has a new boo thang!" One of his friends yelled out.
Everyone including Zeph started to laugh.
I finished my work and began to imagine. What if Zeph was my boyfriend. He would love me, protect me, and buy me nice things. I probably wouldn't have to hide myself from him. But then I thought. If I we did have something, and I did show him my scars, what would he think? Would he be afraid? Would he still love me? Then again that's a big "if".
My thoughts were cut off by the bell. I grabbed my books and book bag and headed to the door. But of course me being clumsy bumped into someone. And out of all people it had to be Zeph.
"Sorry" I mumbled trying not to look in his eyes. I bent down and began to pick up my books.
"Its ok. I can be clumsy sometimes." He said with a chuckle. Next thing I knew he's helping me pick up my books. Oh my God. OH MY GOD. My thoughts went crazy. When he reached to pick up a book, his hand slightly brushed against mine.
"Uhh. Thanks." I managed to get out.
"No problem. Cleo, right?" He knew my name. This is the best day ever.
"Yyy-yes." I'm pretty sure my face was tomato red now.
"Cool" he said. He gave me one last smile and walked away.
Oh my God. I can't believe this. I just had a full conversation with Zeph, my crush since freshmen year. I started as a freshman, but once they saw I was advanced they boosted me straight to a senior. Now I'm 15 in the 12th  grade. No one knows though.
After school I wasnt to excited to get home. I walked towards my car very slowly. Half way there I saw Zeph again. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and kept walking. I reached my car but before I could unlock it a hand grabbed my wrist.
"I saw you talking to him after class today. And you just smiled at him."
Nicole said angrily.
"Ooo-ok? " I stammered.
"OK? All you have to say is OK? Ok. Listen you little twat stay away from him. Or you'll regret it big time." She said with no hesitation. I just nodded and she walked away like nothing happened. Great. The only guy I ever really likes and I'm threatened to stay away from him. Nicole was really starting to get on my nerves. One day I'll build up the courage to speak up, but for now I'll just stay chilled.
I climbed in my car and drove home. Not exactly slow but not under the speed limit. As soon as I pulled up, Tony was on the porch smoking. A knot built up in the pit of my stomach. I was not prepared for him. Not today, tomorrow, or any day. I decided right then that this was the last straw. This stops tonight.

Well that escalated quickly.😂 I'm so lame. Blah blah blah. So yeah. Remember to vote, comment, recommend, and follow me on Instagram @princess_mariiiii

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