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It's really difficult to even describe how this shit is. Or how anything really happened. This is just how it went down. How it started and how it fucking began. Let me tell you how my life had changed just with meeting one. Single. Troll.

Let's start at the beginning. I was still a rotten little brat. My mother had fallen ill and passed away. My father soon committed suicide after. I was only about four. My brothers and I soon were put in an orphanage, but soon after we were separated. Dirk and Bro were sent to one home. Me..I was taken to another home but the parents I had were and still are the worst. I was six when I was adopted. And once the couple took me in I had lost contact with my brothers. So they don't know what became of me. I guess that's probably for the best. But they will find out one way or another after all. We are Striders.

My adoptive parents were just people who took me in just to have their images and reputation up in popularity among the neighborhood. By the way I moved to Washington after being adopted. These people gave no shits about me. And that was fine. I didn't care about them either. They were and still are assholes. Try sitting in a room filled with adults who are drinking wine and beer and freaking vodka. Next thing you know if something goes wrong or you even make a single sound, get ready to receive bruises, cuts, and a few stitches. Then when you go to the clinic you lie. You lie. And lie. Each time. Wishing you could tell the truth. But would anyone believe you? Probably not. That's my mind set.

I am homeschooled. Take computer classes. Now I'm a freshman in high school finishing the school year and just as I got home, I am greeted with a bunch of yelling and name calling and a hit to the face almost breaking my glasses I got from a pen pal. An awesome pair of shades. Almost wind up broken. The amount of rage I am filled with.

Sophomore year. Just a cycle of the same shit.

Junior year. Before school starts my adoptive parents finally agree to let me go to public schools. Hallelujah right? Hah. Well this is where it's all starting. First day of school. At Sburb High.

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