Ch. 5

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Okay recap a few things here. I have recently gotten reunited with my brothers, found out Karkat was my neighbor, and have recently had glass thrown to my face along with a beat down. And tonight we have a meeting that I have to attend to. This is just great.

I wore the monkey suit I always wore whenever I had to be a part of these meetings. The old man would be the host and all his acquaintances would show up here. The routine is the same. Show up, shake hands, ear a few snacks prepared by yours truly, drink a bit of wine, and discuss whatever topics need to be discussed. I sat in a chair near the counter as the adults spoke and remained silent. There was not much for me to do. Sometimes people would ask me more about the old man. Of course I would lie and say that I couldn't wish for a better father.

'This is complete bullshit...' I said to myself.

"If it isn't Strider," I turned and saw Karkat standing there wearing a monkey suit himself. He looked uncomfortable, but it was rather amusing at the same time.

"What are you doing here?"

"My dad comes here every other week duh,"

"So the man with the nubby horns like yours is your dad?" I asked. He nodded.

Now that made total sense to me.

"So this is the boy?" I look up to see his dad approach me. "Hello there Mr. Strider. I have heard a lot about you from Karkat ans your father. I must say I had tried to approach you before but you brushed me off...which is alright since I understand you wouldn't want to talk to such adults like me,"

"It's cool," I simply stated.

"Dad why would you approach him before?" Karkat asked.

"Well.." he looks dead at me and i could feel like he was just jabbing his gaze through my own even through my shades.

"When I first saw you Mr. Strider I saw your body posture and it was pretty down. And you were limping that night. Also..." he leans closer to my ear,"I notice your father is always looking at you during these events and its with the eyes of a very stern and strict man separate for control," he stands straight. I keep my mouth shut.

"I was only making sure if you were alright,"

For a moment I stayed quiet. He read me like a fucking children's book. How did he do that just by watching us closely? This guy was just no joke. He was serious as can be. But even so even if he knew something was wrong I still have to lie.

"It's alright Mr. Vantas. After all when we first met it was the day I moved in, so I was still getting used to the atmosphere and all. It's no big deal really. He's just watching me making sure I'm doing fine with whoever I speak to. It's nothing to worry about," I responded. I kept my simple facade and gave a thumbs up.

"If you say so, well Karkat go home it's time for bed. Kankri will handle you,"

"Ew dad no," karkat sneers and leaves the house.

"I have a favor to ask of you Strider," I looked at him with raised eyebrows. A favor for me? Well what could he want?

"I would like for you to keep an eye on my son. I have been hearing feom the school and from Kankri that Karkat has been involved in a few incidents mainly bullies. I'm sure the other trolls can pick on him a lot, but the humans also have their fair share of picking on him. I would like for you to speak to him about it whenever you can. I'm afraid that he will turn down a dark path of solitude...kanrki has told me that Karkat has harmed himself. And I do not wish to see my son in such a state. I am begging you to please help in watching him,"

This was news to me.

"Of course Mr. Vantas. I'll do what I can to help Karkles out. I don't tolerate bullying myself nor do I tolerate self harm therefore I will do my best ro keep my eyes peeled and opened wide. I'll talk to him too,"

"Thank you very much, well then...I must be going. See you another time Mr. Strider," he waves with a smile and walks out the door. I waved as he left and sighed.

' had to lie saying you don't tolerate self harm...when you do it yourself dumbass...' I sighed and got myself some water. For the moment this wasn't about me. Karkat Vantas became a friend of mine on my first day of school and I'll do whatever it would take to make sure he was okay.

"Well...time to become some teen Sherlock Holmes or some shit.." I said with a smirk.

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