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A nightmare is a nightmare is a nightmare, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. My nightmare was going to be locked up, but the scars are so deep within me that the nightmare continues inside of me.

A nightmare is constant put downs from him. Being called a 'demon child,' being told, 'no one will love you. No one really cares, otherwise they would have done something earlier right?' being told that you have no future because of what you are. You're trapped in your own nightmare and can barley escape. It's dark. Very dark and uncool. You hear the scream of your name that shatters the darkness for a moment and then you wake up.

I sat up fast with a gasp and sudden rush panick. I looked around and noticed the room being all white. I noticed the I.v. and the monitors and a tray with an empty plate. I sighed and realized I was in the hospital. I blinked at the dim lighting but then realized I was wearing my shades again.

"Dave...." I turned my head and saw Karkat sitting there with a relieved look.

"Yo, sup Karkles?" He laughed and i saw a bandage on his cheek and bandages on his wrists. I frowned.

"Sont give me that look asshole. I'm fine. You need to start learning how to take care of your own damn self. Compared to me you're worse right now,"

"Shit....I'm sorry....." I played back and sighed.

"Don't apologize. It's okay. I'll get the fucking doctor, so don't move," he got up and released his grip that was around my hand. He walked out the room. I lifted my hand up and noticed how warm my hand was. Was he there holding it the entire time? I looked forward and blinked even more having just noticed all the gifts, flowers, and candies that were left for me.

"Holy...crap....." I laughed a bit and smiled. After the doctor came in, all the visitors stopped by. Apparently I was in the hospital for a week. I lost quite a bit of blood, and that last blow to my head really screwed me over. I missed a whole lot of shit. John and Roxy were together. Rose and Kanaya got together. Jake and Dirk were together. Jane opened up a small baking shop. Latula and Mituna were together. Kurloz and Meulin were together. Just howany of these guys actually got together? The lot of them. And look at me. I'm single. Sounds hilarious. Everyone left me bottles of Apple juice, and bags of Doritos which was all I really needed.

"We told you to tell us if you needed us Dave, why didn't you come to us?" Jade asked.

"Couldn't do it man....." I said quietly. John frowned and so did the rest. "Guys you don't understand....he would have done anything to get you out of his way. He ended up getting a hold of Karkat...and that was something I was really trying to avoid. Look how that turned out. I couldn't do anything to keep him away from harm..." I said keeping my gaze low. But then Kanaya ended up pulling on my ear.

"Listen up David Elizabeth Strider. I already spoke to Karkat about his behavior and way of handling the situation. What he did was noble and brave, but it could have gotten him killed and he doesn't understand that. But it bought Dirk and Bro time. Therefore I will not blame him. But I can blame you for not being honest with us when you needed to...."

"I know I know....I'm sorry....." she lets go and sighs.

"Um excuse me visiting hours are over, if you all will please exit the room?" A nurse says as she walks in. They all said their goodbyes and walked out. All except Karkat who had been sitting in a chair with his head down on my bed asleep. I felt like shit knowing that because of me he could have been killed. I carefully put my hand to his head and felt a small vibration. Was he purring? He purrs? Holy shit. I chuckled a bit but at the same time I felt like a shitty friend. I took his hand into mine.

"'m sorry.....for all this shit. You got caught into my shit and it wended up hurting you.....and I'm a fucking asshole for denying...that I needed help.....denying everything...and just letting" I felt tears swelling up in my eyes. I chuckled and moved my shades up as I covered my eyes with my other hand. This guy. I cared so much about him. I never could figure out why. But now that this bullshit is over. I can now see why. Throughout this small journey...I fell in love....with Karkat.

Never AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora