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I held the blade tightly in my hand and took a step forward to Terrance.

"You want to dance?" He says with a laugh. I wasn't laughing. Nothing here was funny. I fucking thought I was finally free! I thought we were all safe! But it turns out I was dead wrong! And Karkat was paying the price for it all. I swung my blade up to slice his face, but he blocks with his gun which caught me by surprise but I refused to let it show. He grins.

"You're not the only ones with skill," he headbutts me and kicks me down. I crawl away as fast as I could as he shoots at me. Two bullets fly from the left and aim to Dirk. Next thing I know two bullets counter and crash into the other two. Jake walks over and holds his pistols up.

"Mate I'm from a family that's descended from the Mafia. Don't test me," he says and shoots the ones at the left. Meanwhile, people were screaming and ducking to get cover, stores were closing their doors and locking them. Good. Me and Dirk needed all the space we could get. Terrance throws his gun just as it runs out of bullets and lunges throwing a punch to my face. I grabbed his wrist and tripped him to the floor and slammed my foot onto his chest. He coughs and pulls his knife only to jab it into my arm. I cringe and step back he throws another to my other arm, but then Jake shoots it away. I pulled the knife out and held both my blade and his in my hands.

"You wanted to dance? Let's dance." Just as he stands I slide in a crouch and elbowed him in his chest. He stumbles forward and knee him in the face. He stumbles back and snarls. His nose bloody as was his forehead. He suddenly pulls a revolver and makes quick shots. I duck as he shoots. Next thing I know I hear a scream. I turn immediately and Jake is kneeling to Dirk. Holding him closely. Dirk was shot. I growled and felt all my sanity drop. I stood up and laughed. I laughed out of pure bitterness and rage. I took a quick breath.

"Die," I kicked a table down as it blocked some of the bullets. I grabbed an umbrella and opened it to distract them and jumped over the table and lunges to the shooters slitting all their throats. I looked over at Terrance who was now standing with a bit of assistance. I stepped slowly to them. The heat burning in my head and chest. Terrance raised his gun to shoot, but I ducked and kicked it out of his hand and slit the other guys eyes as he dropped Terrance. Terrance fell to the floor. I kneeled and jabbed the blade and knife into his hands to pin him there. I smirked.

"This dance is over,"

Next thing I know paramedics are rushing in, policemen pulling me away, Dirk and Karkat being taken to the hospital. I stood there in silence and stared at the ground. Kankri was panicking like no tomorrow and Cronus was doing his best to calm him down. Jake was in tears himself and was on the phone with someone. I kept my gaze to the floor and saw my shades. I kneeled and picked them up. Surprisingly they were still intact. I folded them up and put them in my pocket. I looked up and saw the gazes of many. Some were just staring in awe. Others backed away in fear. And many sneered in disgust. I didn't care anymore. My eyes are red. And they were going to stay that way. No more hiding behind a pair of shades. I turned and grabbed the bag I dropped and looked inside noticing the necklaces were now broken. I sighed and threw it out. Jake walks over and volunteers to drive everyone to the hospital. I just nodded and walked off. I couldn't handle this anymore. It was out of my hands. I was just tired. I was afraid. I was disappointed in myself. And overall guilty. I knew this would happen. I knew the people closets to me would be hurt. In the truck as Jake drove to the hospital I closed my eyes and forced my hands through the locks of my now damp hair and cried in silence.

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