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The season of fall was soon to pass. This was when things got very bad. It's been a few months since Mr. Vantas asked me to keep an eye on Karkat which wasn't too hard except for lunch time which was when he would disappear most days. I have asked John and the others about where he would be, but none of them knew the answer.

Today just as the lunch bell rings I go off to follow him. I kept quiet and made sure that he wouldn't see me in anyway. He stopped at an empty classroom and looked around before walking in. I crept up to the door and looked through the window. There was him and two other trolls. I recognized them both. Gamzee and Eridan. Both were pretty much on the wanted list of the school as delinquents. I listened in on their conversation.

"What the hell do you want today?" Karkat hissed.

"Come on mutherfucker you know what we want. Honk."

"Shut up for moment Gamzee. Listen here low life we know you have been tattle tailing on us about everything. Frankly it makes you look more like a little child always needing protection when you need to grow up. Sadly, this school has failed to realize the brilliant mind that hold and views me as something sick. This is also affecting my father and his line of work,"

"Look shithead it's not my fucking fault that you can't hold a relationship so you have to take out that rage onto other fucking people. You're telling me to grow up? Fuck you. You need to grow up,"

'Whao go Karkat..' I thought myself. But then I heard a crash and took another glance as carefully as I could. Gamzee had slammed Karkat to a table while knocking over a few chairs.

"Listen hear muther fucker...keep on talking! Honk! Cause you are just all talk and no bite! Honk! You're a little fucker who can't even fucking work a miracle to save yourself! And no one gives a shit about you either! So listen to us and then maybe we won't take you down as badly as needed ol' mutherfucking best friend," Gamzee said with a growl in his voice. I glared.

"Let me go Gamzee! God what the fuck is your problem?! Bros or friends don't go beating up on each other like this!"

"Oh you must have not realized yet Vantas but Gamzee is now my friend seeing as how you abandoned him to hang out more with the other low life and rejects especially that Strider human," Eridan said with a laugh.

"Seriously? Haha how childish can you two get?!"

"Shut up muther fucker!" He throws Karkat down and kicks his stomach making him curl up in pain. I couldn't stand by anymore. I barged in and lunges at Gamzee punching him in the face. He stumbled back and fell to the floor. I turned to Eridan who fucking flipped like a pansy and ran off. I turned to Karkat who stared at me with wide eyes. I held my hand out to him. He slowly took it and stood up wincing in pain. I helped him walk out the room and turned for a moment to see Gamzee gone. I sighed and took Karkat to the nurses office. I reported to the counselors and principle of what happened and they decided to suspend the two. I was hoping expulsion but i guess not. That afternoon I walked with Karkat. He kept staring at the ground with this depressing look and his body was hunched over too. I stopped and stood in front of him.

"Hey...Karkat talk to me man..."

"What the fuck do you want me to say...? Thank you for saving my undoubtedly weak ass from a pair of idiots who I believed were my friends! Oh but guess what I was an idiot for even thinking so in the first place! Hahaha! Bad enough I get picked on for how short my god damn my horns are, but now I'm just losing friends to the so called high value in society," he rambles on and on. I sighed and scratched my head when I noticed something on his sleeve. He always wore a black sweater, but at the end of the sleeve I saw a color of red. I grabbed his arm which surprised him, and made him flinches. I pulled it toward me and tried to move up his sleeve but he kept stopping me.

"Karkat stop resisting and let me see now," I said. He cursed at himself and finally stopped. I was surprised he gave in so easily. I rolled up his sleeve and behold. All over his arm red cuts. Fresh and old. Some just lines, lines over lines,and some just words. Words he has probably been called in the past. I looked up at his face. He was looking to the side and his eyes were filled with shame, regret, despair, and loneliness. I took his hand and dragged him to my house. No one was home which was good. I pulled him into the bathroom and started cleaning off the cuts.

"Why the fuck are you bothering with me over this?" He asked.

"Well we are bros right? Friends. Companions? Buddies? Best buds? Best bros? You get the idea. Karks I'm bothering with you over this because I care man. I may have a straight yet handsome face, but just because I never show much doesn't mean I don't have emotions. I'm helping you out because I want to. Because I feel the need to. And also because I'm worried foe you man. Don't go doing this to'll worry your brother and father too. They keep coming to me for help...but I can't always come into contact with you since you vanish out of thin air, but that doesn't stop me" I wrapped his arm up with some bandages and clapped at my handiwork.

"'re a fucking idiot,"

"I've been called worse," I laughed. But then I stopped immediately just as I heard the front door open. "Shit...."

"What your parents?"

"Shh...Karkat I'm gonna have to ask you to hide got it? Dont ask anything save questions for later even though I probably won't answer them. Go. Move." I shoved him to my room and hid him in the closet behind some of the boxes of things i kept from when I was younger. I heard footsteps running up the stairs and panicked a bit. I cleaned up the bathroom as fast as I could and walked out just in time to bump into you know who.

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