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I stayed up that night crying like a baby. All these years I held the tears back, but now I can let them out. Let it all out the pain. The fear. The anger. The regret. The shame. By dawn my eyes were burning and red.

"Mmm..." Karkat yawns and sits up rubbing his eyes with a small purr and a growl toward the light.

"Morning Karkles..."he looks at me and nods.

" long was I asleep...?"

"The whole night man.." I coughed a bit.

"Are you okay?"

"Y..yeah...just having eye burns and stuffy nose and stuff...nothing serious...heh.."

"Let me see.." he reaches for my shades, but I move back. He frowns. I turn my head.

"..I don't want you to see them....their awful..."

"Come on they can't be that bad,"

"No...I look like a demon....a mutant...." he flinched at my words. He frowned even more.  But he sighed and moved his sleeve revealing more recent cuts on himself. They were letters spelling out a word. 'Mutant' I bit my lip.

"You aren't the only one who feels like a blood color is not the same as other trolls. They are on the blood scale. Mines is mutation.....and no one knows except for Terezi,"

"Karkat...." I sigh and look up as he reaches for my shades and lifts them up. My eyes were closed as they were lifted, but then I slowly opened them revealing my red colored eyes. He stares at them. "I'm a freak aren't I?"

"No...." my eyes widen as I stared at him.

"You're not a freak and no one else is suitable for those except you. That color is perfect for you," he says. I smile a little and chuckle. I felt more tears swell up as they run down my cheeks. I felt so relieved and so amazed.

" are so weird....but....that's why...." I reached out and pulled him by his shirt over to me. Our distance just inches away. "That's why....I..." He grabs my shirt and pulls me into a rough passionate kiss. I was surprised, but wanted for him to just stay here. Like this. For a while. I let go of him and wrapped my arms around him. He held me closely and refused to let go. I carcass his cheek gently as we fall into a small make out session. By the time we pull away, he's out of breathe and so am I.

"Karkles...I love you ya know?" He chuckles and suddenly crawls into the hospital bed and lays beside me.

"I love know?" He smiles a bit with a tint of red on his cheeks and nose. I laughed a bit and held him closely.

"So....are now?" I asked.

"Y...yes...." he says and it feels me with joy and uncertainty. I hold him close to me and lightly stroke his hair as he purrs.  I smiled and kissed his head closing my eyes at the same time.

This is where it started. A new beginning. A new future. And a new romantic bullshit love story that Karkat would binge read or watch til he drops.

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