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After I finally managed to calm down, I made the decision to go ahead and stay at Karkats place for the night and possibly the rest of the week. When his dad came home he called Mr. Ronald's wife and told her. Surprisingly enough she agreed to let me stay. Was it because of the fact that I was just beaten and almost killed that she is showing pity to me? Or is it because they want to get rid of me. I should have taken my Bro's offer when he gave it to me. But it's too late. Jake had winded up moving in because of his grandma's death. And Jade winded up staying at Rose's and Roxy's place. For now I was stuck. Karkat allowed me to stay in his bedroom which I had to say was rather filled with a lot of ridiculous shit. But who am I to judge?

I sat down on a bean bag that was shaped like a crab. It was pretty weird but comfortable. The entire time I was there I had to hold my shirt up a bit to hide my neck knowing that I was most likely bruised. But then Karkat offered me a shirt, but he didn't know of what happened just yet. His sweaters fit me just fine. It surprised me considering how small he is. But then again his sweaters are all big on him. He brought in some Doritos and Apple juice, my favorites, and sat down in a chair before me.

"Dave....are you going to spill what the fuck happened?" He asked. I stared down at the chips and juice. My mind flashed back to the glazed eyes that were staring at me all crazy like. I clenched a fist in rage, but then I snapped back to reality when I felt a hand suddenly grab my own. I looked up at Karkat who was staring at me with worry. I frowned.

"Please...Dave....tell me..." he says. I looked at our hands and sighed. I took his hand in mine tightly.

"You cant say a word....please.....I sont want anyone else getting hurt in anyway okay?" He nodded. I sat up straight and took a quick breath in.

"Mr. Ronald's came in....he was drunk...his wife went upstairs unable to deal with him. I was doing homework for once...when he looked over at me.....I told him to sleep cause he was just fucking wasted.." I laughed a bit. "He started screaming at me....saying that I couldn't tell him what to do....called me a punk.......and...just put me to the my neck...." I took off his sweater revealing all the cuts on my body and old scars. I tilted my head up and revealed more of my neck showing the bruises there that were shaped like sausage imprints. I gazed down a bit to see his face. He looked terrified. He bit his lip. I tilted my head back down.


"Dave....." he closed his eyes tightly, "Let me tell someone please!" He grabbed my shoulders tightly and shook me. "What if he manages to get you in the hospital?! You can't let him do this to you anymore! This isnfucking sick and wrong!"

"I know........" I whispered with a slight laugh, "I know....haha god I fucking know...that!" I slammed a fist down making him flinch as he moved back a bit.


"I'm sorry Karkat...but I can't.....there's no way he will get into prison with his high status.....and all the money he has on him....there's nothing really that can be done...."

"Don't give me that father is just as powerful! If i have to get him to help then I fucking will you jackass!"

I laughed a bit and patted his head. This lil guy....he sure has some guts. And i respect him for it. But i sont know if it will work.

"Give me a bit of time...." I begged.

"Dammit Strider don't do this...just let someone help you..."

"I said give me time..." I said again but with a more stern tone.

He sighed and finally gave up. I sat on the bean bag chair and leaned back on the chair. I couldn't understand anything. Why I kept trying to push him away. Why I am denying everything I know is wrong and right. I needed to just ask for the help. Karkat was giving me that chance. And yet I kept turning him down. Why?! I wanted freedom! I wanted to just live in peace! Why was it so hard?! That night I sat on the doorstep and for the first time in a long time cried out of sorrow....

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