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For the past few weeks it's been me on my own hiding from the others all the time. At school I did it on purpose just to clear my head, but after school is a different story. Mr. Ronald's and his wife were constantly contacting me to run their shitty errands leaving me hardly time to sleep, eat, or do my homework. All of this I have to do during my one hour of freedom in school: during lunch. And because of their schedules and what not holidays weren't an exception in their house. So I missed my chance to dress up and get candy. Don't give a shit how old i am, I will trick or treat someday before I die. Everyone kept messaging me trying to get me to hang out, but when you're stuck with these two adults you're trapped. And karkat had witnessed first hand as to how and why. He is now more worried about me than himself. I know I have some sort of issue considering I could leave at any moment! But i don't! And i don't know why! But then all hail the so called 'God' up above. November comes around and both parents have to leave for a business trip. The va ntas family offered to watch over me to which Ronald's agreed to. A week before I go over there however...almost cost me my life.

One night Ronald's came home. He was loopy and falling all over the place. He was fully wasted. I was sitting in the dining room just doing homework when he struggles through. His wife couldn't handle him so she went to bed. I was left on my own. I stopped myself and sat down my pen.

"Hey uh..Mr. Ronald's? You should're pretty wasted," I suggested. But that made him enraged.

"I!...d-dont hav tuh listen tuh yah! What ah yah doing anyway!? Huh?! Disrespecting meh?! Huh?! Punk?!" He randomly attached to his hands to my neck and throws me down clutching into me tightly. I grabbed his hands and gasped. "Speak! Demon! Speak! Speak! Speak to me!!" He screamed. I kept my hands tightly to his trying to move them back. Next thing I know his grip tightens and he shakes me. I felt my vision get blurry and everything was spinning. I tried to breath but coughed. He grinned without mercy and his eyes were glazed over. He was ready to kill me. I waited for it to happen...the feeling of silence....spreading wildly over your own world. But the feeling of death vanished. He passed out. On top of me. I breathed and coughed gasping for fresh air. I shoved him off and ran outside ignoring any kind of look anyone fully gave me and the screams of his wife. It was probably stupid of me but I ran next door and banged on the door.

"Please open the door...karkat...." I whispered to myself. I was still catching my breath as the door opened and his older brother Kankri stepped out.

"Please refrain from banging on the door that can be very triggering to certain people within this household and to our neighbors-"

"Shut the fuck up and let me in please," I managed to say.

"#language Dave Elizabeth Strider, it can be very triggering to some and we dont want anyone to be triggered-"

"Get the fuck out of the way Kankri! Can't you see he's obviously hurt and distressed?!" Karkat runs over and pulls me inside his house. He sits me down in the living room onto a grey couch where I manage to finally breathe a bit normally.

"Dave what the fuck happened?" His hands tightly gripping onto my shoulders probably because of the fact that my whole body was trembling in fear, rage, and despair. I couldn't bring out any words. I couldn't say anything. All I did was bury my face into his shoulder and hugged him tightly. I couldn't take all of it as much as i used. That was the first time the old man had ever tried to kill me and for no reason. Either way it was still wrong and yet....I just couldn't allow anyone else to get involved especially karkat or any of my friends and family. I had to protect them. And if receiving threats, beatings, and attemptive murder was the only way then so be it. But for now. I would rather just stay like this being held by Karkat while holding back all of my tears. I felt his arms around me and his hand gently petting my head. He was also 'shooshing' me. Kind of cornish to me, but it was relaxing. The world could burn right now and I would stay in that one spot in the same position without a care.

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