Ch. 3

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"Welcome home, bro.." Dirk says in my ear his voice shaking. I held him tighter just wanting to have this moment last for freaking ever. But after a few moments we both pulled away and wiped our eyes while continuing to hide our eye colors.

"Dirky you hav some explaining to do!" Roxy shouts.

"Right..." he keeps an arm around my shoulders and leads me back to the others. "Guys and Girls. Trolls. This is my lil bro Dave Elizabeth Strider,"

"Way to let out the middle name man," I said.

"What? Not like it wasn't going to be found out anyways,"

"True," I said. Everyone was shocked, except for a few. I have told John and Rose and Jade about Dirk but not in full detail of what happened with us. And I didn't plan to tell my bro about the shit I was going through. I don't think he would stay still and let it continue and I don't want him to get hurt.

"So you guys were separated?" Jade asks.

"Yeah..but hey we are here now so it's all cool. By the way what about Bro?" I asked.

"Oh I live with him. He found a couple of jobs while doing these he's making enough to keep an apartment," Dirk says. I sighed relieved that they were okay. Unfortunately, the bell rings meaning this reunion was going to be short. I went to my next class which was music and there goes Karkat sitting in a corner.

"Yo Karkles," I walked over and sat beside him.

"Thats not my name you dumbass," he growls annoyed. I smirked.

"Well guess what for me it is," I said. He just snarls and puts his headphones on.

I laughed a bit. I believed that this routine with the nubby troll would be interesting. School ended and Dirk decided to walk me home. I decided to decline his offer, but this is Dirk. A strider. No way was he going to take no for an answer. He even called Bro so that he could let him know and also to let me talk to him. The tears that fell from my eyes were all too real. My feels were just going out of control. And so was Bro's cause he was sobbing like crazy.

"What a lovely site. A whole ass Strider reunion," we turned and noticed Karkat following us.

"Following us are you Karkles?" I asked.

"What the hell are you talking about fuck ass? I fucking live here," he says. I looked over noticing we were in front of my house and he was at the driveway of the one next door.

'Shit...' Apparently Karkat Vantas. The nubby troll was my god damn neighbor. Well this day was just full of God damn ironic surprises.

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