-School Clubs-

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"Okay now since today is your first day, that means you have to join a club by the end of the day." Temari explained. "Why?" I asked. "Well joining a club signifies what you want to be and you have to do it by the end of today because today is the last day to sign up for clubs." Temari explained. "What kind of clubs are there?" I asked. "Well there's.... dance club, art club, sports club, anime club, book club, chorus/band club, photography club, journalism club, fight club and gardening club. You can explore them all during lunch." Temari reassured. I smiled. "Okay."

~~~~~~~~~Lunch Time~~~~~~~~~

It was lunch time but..... I couldn't find Temari anywhere...

It's fine finding the clubs shouldn't be too bad. 



I sighed lunch was almost and I found no clubs. I paused when I heard singing. I followed it and stopped at the chorus/ band room. "So this must be the chorus club" I said. I peeked inside. I saw a the pink haired girl and her friends from earlier I think their names were Sakura, Ino and Karin. They seemed to be practicing. Sakura seemed to be the leader and her friends seem to be background singers. "No no NO! You two need to get it right!" Sakura said. "Sakura we've been at this since lunch started when will we eat?" Ino asked. "When YOU TWO get it right," Sakura said. "When will that be? I thought it sounded great," Karin said. I kinda agree that sounded amazing. "Oh.... so you think it sounded great. I didn't know you were the lead singer," Sakura questioned. Karin grumbled. That's when a guy walked up to Sakura. I think it was that Sasuke guy I was told to stay away from. "I thought it sounded good too, Sakura," he said. "...Sasuke sweety that's why you're in band and not chorus,"  she said. "But I-" "Please Sasuke" she dismissed him. Ouch.... ~relationship problems~ 

That's when the guy glanced in my direction. I was spotted. I ran. I don't know why I ran but I felt like if I stayed there I would be in trouble. I cut the corner and ducked into one class room. "May I help you?" said a voice. I looked up to see a girl with purple eyes. "Uhh... sorry I was just looking for clubs." I said. "Well you found one," she said with a smile. I looked and I was immediately in awe. There were flowers everywhere.

 There were flowers everywhere

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 "Wooooooow" I said. She laughed at my amazement. "Hi welcome to the gardening club. I am Hinata Hyuga club leader," she introduced. "Hi Hinata I'm Ysabella" she said. "ahh you're the new kid who hit Sakura's car," Hinata said. I scratched my head. "I wouldn't say that but...." *bell rings*

"Oh there's the bell. What class do you have next?" she asked. I looked at my schedule. "I have.... Science with Mr. Orochimaru," I said. "I have class around there. I can walk you" she said. "Okay thanks" I smiled. 

~~~~~~~~~~~Later that Day~~~~~~~~~

I was at my locker when a voice called me. I turned and saw Temari. "Hey Ysabella, sooooo how was your first day," she questioned. "It was..... different" I said. "Great! Glad you like it," she smiled. I sweat dropped. I never said that. "Did you find a club?"  she asked. "Well I would have liked to join the chorus/band club but... then I saw who ran it, so on my journey to find a new club I found the gardening club.  "Wait can you join more than one club? I asked. "Yeah you can join up to three clubs," Temari said. "I am in Fight club, sports club and photography club" she said. "Okay because I wanted to join gardening and dance club," I said. "You're a dancer?" she asked. "people say I can sing and dance ,so I just take their word for it," I said. "I'll have to hear you sing later," Temari smirked. I shook my head. "Why not?" she asked. "Because you left me during lunch,"I said. "Left you? I never said we would eat lunch together. It might ruin my reputation," she said. I rolled my eyes. "Well excuse me miss reputation but I have to go sign up for clubs." I said leaving her. I know that was wrong of me but I couldn't help it. I quickly hurried off to the dance and gardening cub to sign up. 


Gosh those lines were long. I guess I wasn't the only last minute applier. On my way out I noticed the chorus room again. I bit my bottom lip. I peeked back inside. No one was inside. "Well if it isn't the eavesdropper from earlier," said a voice. I yelped and turned to see that Sasuke guy. This is bad I shouldn't be around him. I want to keep my throat. I need that to eat and breathe. "I wasn't eavesdropping," I said. "Oh? and what were you doing?" he questioned. "I was looking to join the chorus club," I said. He snickered. "You must be the new girl then" he said. "Is it that obvious," I questioned. "Kinda.. Everyone in school knows not to join the Chorus club. That belongs to Sakura," he said. "Great....." I said. He laughed. "But it would be interesting to hear the new girl sing," he said. I wasn't sure if he was toying with me or not. "But anyway new girl I'll see you around," he said leaving. When he left, I felt as though all the remaining girls at school were glaring at me. I quickly went to my locker to grab my skates and skated home.  


I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I entered the house. That hill kills me... "Ysabella! Why are you late coming home from school," Aunt Rosemary questioned. "I had to walk home," I said. "Well enough of your stories. I have an important business meeting tonight with a very rich RICH family, so I need this house clean the cooking done and the girls dress in 2 hours understand," she said.  "2 Hours?" I questioned. "Is that a problem?" she questioned angrily. "......no Ms. Rosemary" I muttered.

"Good! The girls and I will be back in an hour and a half with our hair and nails done. The house should be done by then." she demanded. I nodded and her and the little demon children left. 

I watched as their car left. How in the world am I supposed to clean this giant freaking house, cook dinner and set out everyone's clothes in less than 2 hours.... I sighed. Better start cleaning....


I sighed in relief. I finished everything... and just in time too.

*knock* *knock*

Ms.Rosemary is home...

I walked over to the door and answered and to my surprise it wasn't her it was this family and among them was....


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