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Temari grabbed Itachi by the collar. "Are you mad!? The last person who did that never came back!" Temari exclaimed. "That's because he moved Temari...." Itachi said. "That's what they all say.." she exclaimed. "To be honest I wouldn't even wish that on my most hated enemy," Gaara said. All the others agreed. "I'll do it" I said. They all gave me a confused look as if they forgot I was here. "What? No! You just got here I can't have you die yet," Temari said.

.....Did she say yet? 

"She accepted it." Sasori said. 

"Those are the rule you can't do a different task until you finish the first," Pein said.

"Besides it seems her mind is made up" Itachi said. 

Temari sighed. The bell rang. "It's official then. New girl your task shall start tomorrow at lunch. If you don't show up, you will not be a member of the rebels." Pein said. I nodded. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sighed. It was time for lunch.

Show time....

Temari POV

"Where is she? Lunch started 5 minutes ago" Deidara said. "Maybe she bailed," Sasori said. "I hope so..." I muttered. "Tobi sees her" Tobi pointed. "Looks like she's going over there" Itachi said. "Oh I can't watch" Temari said.

Ysabella POV

I was walking over to the table. With every step closer I felt nervous. I spent five minutes prepping myself before this and I decided I would say nothing and just sit down. At the table currently that Naruto guy, Sakura,Karin, Sasuke, Neji and I think the other guy's name was Kiba . I walked over there and they looked at me. I averted my eyes from them and sat down. At that moment, I felt like all the people in the cafeteria were looking at me. I sighed and opened my lunch and began eat. "excuse me what are you doing?" I looked up and saw Sakura. "eating" I said. 

Temari POV

"Oh my god she actually did it" Deidara  said. I uncovered my eyes. My eyes went wide. "Oh god Sakura is gonna kill her, Itachi go save her!" I exclaimed pushing him. "M-me why?" he questioned. "Your task. Your problem besides you're partially cool, so you can go over there," I said. "Gee thanks," was all he said before walking over there. 

Ysabella POV

"Who are you?" Sakura questioned. I'm surprised she didn't remember me, and I wasn't sure if it was rhetorical or not. "That's the new girl Sakura," Sasuke said glancing at me. "New girl? He's kinda cute," Kiba said. "Kiba you think everyone is cute," Karin said. "Not you" Kiba laughed. Naruto high fived him. Karin punched the two. Wow so strong. "You'll have to punch harder than that ugly," Kiba said. "Yeah we've been hit with things harder than that" Naruto said. Sasuke sighed. "Well new girl, I'll fill you in on things. This is the popular table. Only the cool people sit here," Sakura said. "Then why are you here Sakura," Kiba joked. Sakura shot him a glare. "I think the new girl is cool for being courageous enough to sit here," Neji spoke. "Yeah that's totally cool right Sasuke?" Naruto said. "Hn". "See!" Naruto said. 

Was that supposed to be a yes?

"So how about it new girl do you wanna be a part of the cool people?" Kiba asked. 

Me be a part of the cool crowd? I don't know where I'll fit in though... Sakura surely won't let me be a popular girl. I'm not a jock and even though I live amongst preps I am not one. That's when Itachi walked up. "There you are newbie we've been looking everywhere for you," Itachi said. "Itachi?" Sasuke questioned. "Hello little brother," Itachi said. "Hmph" Sasuke said annoyed. "Well?" Kiba asked. "Huh?" I questioned. "Do you wanna be a popular?" Naruto asked. Itachi had a shocked look on his face. I'm guessing this was a rare thing. "I'm sorry ,but I am a part of the rebels," I said getting up. I walked off with Itachi. I glanced back and saw they all had shocked faces. I was then tackled in a hug. "You're alive!" Temari exclaimed. "It wasn't that bad" I said with a smile. "I'll say they actually offered her a spot in the popular crew," Itachi said. "Really?! And what did you say?" Temari said. "No of course" I said. "What!? Do you know how rare it is to be popular why would you do that?" Temari exclaimed.  I smiled and said,

"I'm a rebel" 

An Anime Cinderella Story (Sasuke Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя