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I was pulled to the side, and saw it was Temari and Itachi. "Oh hey guys," I said with a weak smile. "You have to tell him" they both said simultaneously. "ummm... I don't think so," I said. "What why not?" Temari exclaimed. "Do you not like my brother?" Itachi questioned. "No no no it's not that it's just..... What if he doesn't accept me when he finds out that girl was me?" I questioned. "Huh?" Temari questioned. "Think about it you two. Sasuke's popular and basically has his whole life planned out for him and I'm just a newbie rebel who works off her family's debt from her Aunt. Basically their own personal maid. The guy could have any girl in this school. Literally! Do you not see that line of people!" I exclaimed. "Ysabella..." Temari said. "Forget it! Sasuke does not need to know it was me, and you guys aren't allowed to tell because I dare you not to!" I exclaimed at them. The two of them sighed. The bell rang and the three of them actually went to class. Little did they know that someone was listening in on that conversation. Not just someone but some two. Angel and Grace were listening to them. "Can you believe that!"Angel exclaimed. "Yeah how is Ysabella the mystery girl if she wasn't even there?" Grace said. Angel looked at her like she was stupid. "That's because she was there, and we have to make sure that she doesn't tell him at all" Angel said. That's when they left.

~After School~
I was on her way to Gardening Club, but stopped when I saw my cousins. "Hows it going Cinderella," Angel said. "How was Sasuke's party yesterday?" Grace questioned. "I don't know what you're talking about. You know I didn't go to his party," I said. "We know you're the mystery girl. We don't know how you did it, but we know you did" Angel said getting in my face. "Since you're the girl this is what you're going to do" Angel said. "You're gonna tell us the three things that no one else knows," Grace said. "And if I don't?" I questioned. Angel glared at me. "If you don't we will tell mother that you're interfering with her plans to takeover the Uchiha business," Angel said. I glared back at them. "Three things people don't know about me are my favorite food is chocolate, I hate mornings and if I could have any super power it would be to read minds" I muttered. "Good and if you even think about telling him-" " I WON'T" I exclaimed. The two got surprised. "Good then we'll be off" Angel said. They left leaving me there. I wanted to cry. I never planned to tell him in the first place it's just the fact that they have to take everything from me. My ticket, my identity, my LIFE! I'm so tired of it. I just want to go home...home to the old days with mom.... Maybe I should visit her grave this afternoon. And with that she walked off. Not even bothering to go to any of her clubs today. Little did she know thought thats someone else was listening. A certain purple eyed female. "Ysabella..." Hinata muttered.

Sasuke POV
"Sasuke!" Exclaimed two voices. I turned around to see Rosemary's children Grace and Angel. Great just what I need. "What is it?"I questioned. "I am your mystery girl" Grace said. "No I am your mystery girl" Angel said. I sighed. Great just what I need. "Fine tell me three things-" "We love chocolate, hate mornings, and if we had a super power it would be to read minds" they said simultaneously. My eyes went wide. Then they narrowed. "How can you two possibly know this information?" I hissed. "What do you mean?" Angel questioned. "Yeah I am your mystery girl" Grace said. "There is no way either of you could be my mystery girl. I saw you two at the party while I was dancing with my mystery girl. So I'll ask you again who did you hear this from?" I questioned angrily. Angel cleared her throat. "Whatever" Grace muttered. "We'll tell you if you give mother complete ownership to the Uchiha family business." Angel said. "That's never gonna happen," I declared. "Oh well then" Grace said. " but unless you give us your business there is no way you'll ever find your little 'mystery' girl" Angel laughed walking away. Grace followed. I glared at the ground annoyed. Damn Ms. Rosemary and her daughters. I'll find her. I said clutching the necklace.

An Anime Cinderella Story (Sasuke Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora