-Rebel Tasks-

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"You what?" Temari questioned. "I want to be a part of the rebel group" I said. We were currently in the back alley during lunch. It was currently me, her, Pein, Konan, Itachi, Sasori, Deidara, Tobi and Gaara. "Absolutely not! To be a part of the rebels there is a test that we all had to take. You simply just aren't ready. That l is unheard of," she said. " I'll take the test," I exclaimed. "If she says she'll take the test Temari there is no stopping her," Sasori said. "That's right" Itachi said. Temari sighed. "Fine.... but don't say I didn't warn you," Temari said. I smiled and nodded. "So what kind of test is it?" I asked. I hope it's not math.... "All of us being a member of the rebels had to do a task," Pein started. I looked to him. So he does speak.
"Sasori had to prank the principle"

"Konan had to kiss a popular" 

"A task I will forever regret..." Konan said as if she had just seen her family being killed.

"Deidara had to streak around the school" 

"Again another task that I regret" Konan said. 

"Temari had to smoke five cigarettes"

"It wasn't too hard to be honest.." Temari said. 

I'm guessing she smoked before. 

"Tobi can get away with anything because...well because he's Tobi"

"Itachi had to dress like a girl for a day"

I looked at Itachi. He would make a pretty girl. 

"Stop imagining it!" Itachi exclaimed. 

I snickered. 

"Gaara... we don't talk about what Gaara did...." Pein said. 

I looked at Gaara... He totally killed someone....

"What about you Pein?" I asked. 


"He threatened to kill each and every one of us if we tried to make him do a task," Konan muttered. 

Pein must be scary...

"Okay what is my task?" I asked.

They all thought for a second. That's when Itachi spoke. 

"How about she sits at the table surrounded by the red ropes during lunch"

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