Chapter 3

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Jerome's POV: Do you guys like this? Yes or no?

Our little gang had finally decided to make a move on the city, HA! Gotham won't even know what hit em! We set the pathetic hostages on the roof of 'Gotham Gazette' and laughed at their uncontrollable sobbing.

What did they think crying was gonna do for them? We are all gonna die anyway, at least their death is for a good cause ya know? I perched myself on the edge of the news building and peered down at all the little people. They had no idea!

A loud and painful sounding cough brought my vision to right in front of the tall building, I couldn't help but laugh at the hopeless looking girl that was juggling a cup and her phone while trying to cover her mouth. I'd just cough on someone else, you may as well make use of sickness and infect everyone else right? Her eyes shot up to meet mine and her vibrant red hair flicking behind her.

"Love your hair gorgeous!" I called down and she looked slightly taken aback by the compliment but I couldn't help myself, I mean her hair was almost as bright as mine! Almost the same colour too. "Although you might wanna move a little, unless you wanna get smushed anyway!" I threw my head back and cackled as she immediately did so. It was fine though, the blood would match her hair! How cool would that be! HAHAHA

I signalled for Aaron to bring me over the first victim and wasted no time in spray painting his back with a crimson M. Hey even the spray paint would match her hair, it's like it was meant to be! After admiring my spray painted letter I ordered Aaron to toss the man off the building and Aaron didn't even hesitate before doing just that. Within seconds the whimpering man was plummeting to the concrete below. Landing flatter than a pancake! Oooh pancakes I haven't had those in aaaageeeessss.

I heard what started as a scream but cracked into silence and found that it was the girl I had told ever so kindly to move. Her voice had completely cracked and tears seemed to be gathering in her what looked to be blue eyes, although I couldn't really get a close enough view from the distance I was from her.

"Awww are you sick? You should really get some medicine for that... You know what they say though, laughter is the best medicine." I displayed my hands out like jazz hands and continued to laugh at her. She rushed over to the obviously dead man and tried to find a pulse, oh come on even I could see that the dude was dead!

"H-he's dea-" Oh you've gotta be kidding me.

"Dead? Yeah, well you'll be heading down that track in a second if you don't MOVE!" I taunted her and she looked completely terrified. Good.

She sprinted inside the building, obviously trying to find someone to help but it was already to late for the cops to get here, plus they wouldn't even do anything. They would probably just eat their donuts and watch. My eyes followed her as she unknowingly dropped her cup and the contents spilled all over the pavement. She didn't even notice, this girl was insane. HAHA INSANE GOOD ONE!

As soon as I took my eyes from her I helped the rest of the victims on their express trip to the concrete. They weren't even grateful, how rude of them! One by one they were thrown off of the building, gradually making the word MANIAX! It actually turned out pretty good if I do say so myself, the colour of their blood really helped add dramatic effect.

It was better than any art project I did at home anyway, see maybe that was my problem! I just needed a bigger canvas!

We had finished our little escapade and Theo had told us to come straight back to the mansion and at the very moment I really didn't feel like being rebellious. I mean the guy got me outta the looney house and he has so many more fun things planned!

"Great job boys, now all of Gotham will know who we are! This is the beginning of something legendary I know it!" I announced as we heard all the commotion going on from below. There was screaming and crying but it felt like music to my ears I mean what's better than the sound of a crying citizen? We hung out near the truck and just basked in the glory of the fact that we were the one and only MANIAX!

"Did you see that pretty little thing on the sidewalk?" Greenwood asked with lust in his disgusting eyeballs.

"Oh I saw her all right. Did you hear how her voice cracked when she screamed, HA, it was hilarious. The girl was so sick she couldn't even scream for help!" I laughed at the memory of the girl sounding like some sort of velociraptor slash cat.

"I wouldn't think twice about sinking my tee-" Before Greenwood could even finish his foul sentence I cut in.

"Greenwood I swear to god you finish that sentence and I will throw you off the building." I growled my voice sounding animalistic and a crazed smile graced my lips. I was about to finish my threat before I heard an all too familiar cough. Well, well, well would you look at that? My smile widened as Greenwood followed me over to the nice black car that a cough had come from.

"Katerina, run!" I heard an older man's voice yell and I was slightly taken aback from his presence. Who the hell was he?

"Dad, please we can both outrun them come on!" I heard a females voice and I immediately recognised her from not too long ago. It was indeed the girl from the sidewalk. Before I even had the chance to see her face up close she had grabbed her father's hand and sprinted down the alley and onto the main road.

Greenwood and I weren't too far behind the two, when I say that I mean I was fairly close while Greenwood was puffing metres behind me. "Would you look at that Greenwood? She just couldn't get enough of me! Hey gorgeous wait up! I'd ask you to scream help but we both saw how that turned out!" I laughed as I saw her slightly slow down but only to speed back up.

As they got further and further away I decided that I had already had my fun for the day and I didn't want to ruin it with trying to catch up to some random girl.

Hey guys how did you like Jerome's POV? Do you think I should do more of them? None? Let me know? I'm currently so sick and have been for the past week so that is where inspiration came from original I know.

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