Chapter 2: Daniel, and Icecream

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It's as if I knew the town like the back of my hands, and it's only been four weeks. This town called Freetown, grows on you. I used to live in Poland but my stupid step monster said that America is better and more wealthy as it is but Poland was my life. So here I am in the USA in Freetown, NY. The name mocks me it's supposed to be free, Ha yeah right. I feel relieved to walk into the air conditioned shop, it was a nice change from the hot summer breeze. I stalk the room for Daniel, and once he is found by my very sharp vision I wave, with a smirk and he notices and struts over to where I am. "Hey Blues" he calls. I roll my eyes his stupid nickname for me is inspired by my bright blue hair that screams HEY IT'S ME! My step monster was very roused when I got my hair this colour after a long day with Daniel saying he wanted to dye his hair and suggested I dye mine too.

Daniel being more stupid decided that purple was his colour which certainly is his.

"Sup my Dan?" I asked,

"Just waiting for my fair blue hair lady friend who happens to be late once again. Step monster?" Dan laughed

"Always. Anyways I've been thinking that I should get to know some other people in this not polish town. Want to introduce me to some humans?" I teased

"Well it just so happens I met up with my friend, Melissa before you showed up Blues. Want to meet her?" Asked Dan.

"Dan, stupid as ever. Of course I do!"

I yelled at him, he never mentioned his friend, Melissa before. Dan turned and walked over to this girl with the best hair I have ever seen. Her hair was a bright red! Holy hell! She looks like a model.

"Hello! My name is Melissa and I have heard tons about you." She called to me. I walked over to them. I noticed the way Daniel is looking at her and how she responds to the way he interacts with her. They would be such a cute couple! "Um thanks but we are just friends.." Melissa awkwardly states.

"Shit! Did I say that out loud?" I ask loudly.

"Yes you did Blues." Dan answers.

"I am so sorry. Melissa I hope to become great friends." I tell Melissa.

"Good friends I don't know, but Best friends I think." Melissa tells me. We all decide to get some Ice cream and let's just say we ended up not being invited back inside that ice cream parlour.

"Omg I can't believe you just did that, Blues!" Daniel laughs along with Melissa. I just asked for ice cream but then I noticed it was a guy who looked around 29 and I decided why the hell not! I began being a big douche and make him redo my ice cream about 10 times before he caught on that I was fine with any ice cream. So that's how I ended up getting banned from that shop.

"Yeah well that's how I roll." I state.

"Dan, you were right I am liking this chick!" Melissa laughs. This is the start of a beautiful friendship.

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