Chapter 13: Toes

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Toy Story was the movie we all decided to watch. Alec is still upset I can see it in his eyes but he seems that it's not as big of a problem. Alex and Caleb are on a couch in front of the TV and Alec and I were in the love seat. Alec's buddies, Nate and Todd sat on the ground with Priscilla and a slutty friend, Cassandra. They were cuddling. How cute. I slowly shift into Alec more. Alec soon lays his arms around me incasing me to him. I smile in the embrace. "Alexis, I want to talk." Alec whispers in my ear his hot breathe caressing my skin and making me tremble.

"O-o of course!"

Alec swiftly picks me up without others noticing and carries me up stairs toward his room where we were less likely to be heard. "Alexis. That kiss, with Caleb it meant nothing. Right?"

"Of course it meant nothing!"

"Because I would and will do anything to keep you. Doesn't matter if I had to swim through oceans or hike across deserts. I'd do anything!"

"Wow that was really cliché, but sweet nothing less."

"I want to spend tonight getting to know you better. Do you mind?" I smile knowing that I would agree.

"Well of course but first I need something to drink. Ill go get us snacks and drinks. Okay?"

"Yeah sure" Alec smiled at me while I left for the refreshments. I reach the kitchen soon enough and make a beeline towards the fridge. I look inside to find Coke Zeros and Ice cream. Perfect!

"Alexis!!" a familiar voice that sounded truly beautiful.

"OHMIGOSH!" I scream and drop some chips from a high shelf onto the ground. Soon after I lost my balance and was tumbling towards the ground. I was ready for the impact but when it never came, I got curious I opened my eyes to find myself being held by Caleb, who was the one who scared me.

"Hey.." Caleb whispered.

"Hi.." Then suddenly I finally took in how close we were, inches apart, close enough to kiss.

"Humph. I kinda have to head back upstairs with all of these items so if you'd excuse me-"

"No not yet. I have to tell you something. It's about Alec."

"Yeah, no. Talk to you later." I made it out with all items and upstairs. Surprisingly Alec was all set up and looked quite good for someone who just saw her snog the daylights out of a guy.


"So you like to sing often?" Alec asks curiously.

"Oh I love it, would you like to hear another song?" Alec has asked me to sing many songs already but I just love seeing the smile on his face when he's listening. During our getting to know each other more session I learned that he is a very soft guy once you get really close to him.

"If you don't mind?" Alec says giving me puppy eyes. I really didn't mind at all.

If you are a cliffhanger ending

I'm the one that doesn't know anything

Like a magpie and a ring

I am always going to be looking right to you

Oh, you capture my attention

Carefully listening

Don't wanna miss a thing

Keeping my eyes on you

Got me on my toes

If I were to hideout on the sea

Blue EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang