Chapter 11:Saturday And Taken

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This place is a hole-

Hmm. Today is Saturday. I get a whole day of rest before I have to do homework. Yeah I do homework last minute kinda of style. Bzzzzz. It's my iPhone.

Hey Alexis thanks for telling Dan to go with me to the movies. I actually did end up in his lap xP and at the end when he walked me up to my door he kissed me and asked me to be his Gf! Thanks a ton! I luv u for lyfe! - Mel

Aha you are very welcome but you aren't the only non single lady ;)


What, Where, Who, When? - Mel

I was asked out and I said yes. Outside of the school, during last period my free period, and it's Alec :D -Alexis

Oh him.-Mel

What's wrong with him? -Alexis

Nothing just we used to date.-Mel

Oh I see, I'm sorry.-Alexis

Oh no I broke up with him.-Mel

Ooh um okay-Alexis

Be careful-Mel

What does she mean be careful? Whatever.

Of your feet upon the ground.

Carry on.


My head is on fire but my legs are fine.

After all they are mine.

Lay your clothes down on the floor,

Close the door, hold the phone,

Show me how no one's ever gonna stop us tonight.

Someone's calling!




"It's me Alec, I was wondering if I could come over?"

"Yeah sure just be here at 1!"

I have two hours to get ready! I quickly start getting ready.


I had just finished and I heard the door bell ring. I ran down stairs to see my step sister and Alec talking. "Ehm, Hello Alec," Alec walks over and hugs me, I smile through the hug.

"Hello Alexis, where are we going?"

"Well we could hang up in my room?"

I winked.

"EW! Okay no I am leaving!" screeched the step monster.

Alec and I start laughing and head up stairs.

"So what should we do?"

"Well what I was indicating sounds pretty good" I smiled as I pull him into me feeling the sparks start. The sparks were small at first but soon turned into a fire spreading through out my body as the kiss kept deepening. Soon I was lying on my bed with Alec on top of me, kissing me every where on my face. "hmm. Alec?"


"Alec?" I say pulling away

"hmm yes?"

"Are your parents home this weekend?"

"No why?"

"Because we are throwing a party!"

I got up and packed myself a bag of clothes I would need for this weekend.


"This is your house?"


"It's huge!"

"We mostly hold all the parties at my house since it's the biggest and the emptiest most often."

"So party central?"

"You could say so"

We had arrived at Alec's house after going shopping for party decorations and sending invites for tonight.

Almost everyone was invited.

"Alexis I can make the maids set up the party while we get ready and have fun."

Alec winked, I smiled and nodded,

"Okay that'll be good."

Blue EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ