Chapter 9: Mayo and Alec

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I breathe you in with smok-

Today is my first band practice. It's a Friday. This I going to be great! All I need to do is get through school and walk to Caleb's house. I am going to his house right after school since we live on the same road, the others won't get to his house until later, so we are probably going to do homework. Well I guess I better start the day. Once I am all done eating and doing my makeup I head to the stop sign where I meet with Caleb. "Hey, Alexis."

"Good Morning Caleb!"

"Excited for band practice?"

"Hell yes!" I screamed, Caleb laughed at my excitement.

"We aren't that good but since you joined we might get better."

"I think you might be being modest."

"No I'm not"

I laughed "We'll see."

The rest of the way we walked, talked and laughed, but I just couldn't help but notice that my heart skipped a beat every time Caleb laughed.


"JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE NEW TO THIS SCHOOL DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN DISREGARD SCHOOL RULES MISS ALEXIS PHARAROH!" Yelled Mr. Mondo, the principle. I just pranked Mr. Star by putting mayo in at condom and gluing it to his chair, in my defence I didn't know about the no pranking rule! So here I am at the office being yelled at by the principle, Mr. Mondo. Whatever this isn't even that bad. I've been through a lot worse.

By the time I'm out I've already missed Music and my free period, so I head down to the cafeteria where I spot Dan and Melissa sitting waiting for me. Dan quickly spots me, it's not that hard considering my hair being bright blue. "ALEXIS! OVER HERE!"


"OH SORRY!" Dan yells right in my ear because by that time I'm already at the table.


"Oops!" Melissa bursts out laughing at our silliness. I smile at her. Dan and I both sit down I on the other side of Dan and Melissa. I notice how close they're sitting and smirk at the two. Melissa blushes when she realizes what I'm indicating. Dan is clueless on what had happened. I shake my head and pull out my packed lunch from home and begin to eat. I feel eyes on my back and look up to see Blondi- Alec staring at me. I send him a wink and he quickly looks away. I wonder what that was.

Caleb, Alex and the others must be outside eating. I just don't think this day can go any slower. I really can't wait to last period. Once schools over, time for band practice.

"Hey Alexis what are you doing after school today?" asked Melissa.

"I have band practice with Alex and Caleb." I tell her.



" I wanted to go see a movie but it's too scary to go alone."

"Well just go with Dan I'm sure he wouldn't going to a scary movie where you will probably end up in his lap anyways. Do you Dan?" I wink at Dan.

"Um no-"

"See there now go together, and be a couple." They both blush and I smirk at the two. They would be so cute together!


During my free period at the end of the day I was sitting outside writing in my notebook, a song I've been working on.

When Alec sat down beside me. "What are you doing?"

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