Chapter 20: Face The Music

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"We can't have you performing looking like you just cried me a river. You should go touch up your makeup, not that you don't look pretty but-"

"I get what you are getting at Cam and yeah people will start popping in soon. I better go touch up."

"Well do you feel better?"


"That's good, keep smiling."

"Um Cam?"


"Will you sing a duet with me tonight. I really need someone there for the song."

"Sure what song?"

"The one I wrote."

"Oh that one yeah sure I know it well actually I am the only one who knows it almost as well as you.. Is that the reason you asked?"

"One reason.."

"Ok then. Go get pretty."

"Aha ok be right back."


Cam and I helped the band set up the equipment when they arrived. Alex brought everything. The Drums, three guitars, three mic stands and a single bass guitar. Oh and all of the heavy amps that I couldn't carry so Cam took them. Soon everyone would start arriving but for now it was only Alex, Tennyson, Teckler, Cam here at the cottage. "Guys we should do something."

"Like what?" Teckler asked. I pondered for a moment before gathering an idea. "How about I find everyone nicknames?"

"What?" Alex said.

"Your not stupid are you? I am pretty sure I made myself clear." Alex face reddened so much that it almost hurt to watch.

"Well you already have a nickname for me right?"

"Cam does not qualify as a nickname."

"Yes it does!"



"Shut you two!" Tennyson called out at us. I just laughed at him. He glared at me in a jokingly manner. I smirked at him. He shook his head and turned away. "Oh Tenny.." Yes that would be just fine Tennyson is such a mouthful.

"Oh Alexis."

"I've got your nickname"

"I noticed. Tenny? Really that's the best you can do?"


"It is isn't."

I just nod. He giggles at me until Teckler hits him in the head telling him to shut up. Teckler what could be his nickname? Tec? Kler? I am very bad at nicknames. "Teckler I prefer your name as it is..."

"No it's just because you can't find a nickname."

"No I am serious I prefer your name as it is."

"Mmmhm" I roll my eyes. Alex. Hmm how does one give nicknames that aren't obvious? Alex with his multicoloured hair; Orange, White and black. His green eyes that are a subtle green not too scary. He's is pretty lean, not well built but is fairly tall second tallest only being beaten by Cam a guy almost 6"1. Alex was only 5"10. Tenny was the shortest we were practically the same height at 5"5. Teckler was a 5"9. Teckler was a guy that has beautiful shaggy brown hair that always was in his eyes. He was thin and lean. Quite funny and always knows what to say and when to say it. Tenny has dark purple almost black hair. His brown eyes are a nice rich tone. His short height wasn't something to make fun of though with all of his muscle he could probably knock out a wrestler twice the size of him. How'd I get to have such hilarious friends? Alex is going to stay Alex. For now.

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