Chapter 21: oh deer

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The movie had ended and we were watching the credits when the song Dam and I sang in the car not to long ago when getting outfits for the concert next weekend came on. Dan and I both went wide eyed and screamed together "OHMIGOD I THOUGHT I KNEW THIS SONG!" We stared at each other before yelling "JINX!" "DOUBLE JINX!" "TRIPLE JINX!"

"Shut up you two!" Teckler said. We shot him glares before returning to our glaring match between the two of us.

Dan and I start laughing. We smile and giggle awhile Melissa is cleaning up along with Teckler. Teckler's face is lit up with amusement. Teckler is always was a quiet guy according to Alex. Teckler and I don't talk very often. We really should he's really cool. Hm maybe I should start hanging out with him more..

After we quieted down and cleaned up the movie Melissa had started yawning really loud. It made all of us yawn as well. I took this as a sign that everyone should leave to go home. I headed up the stairs to the living room. Basically everyone has left or was passed out on the floor or furniture. I guess I should let the sleep. I shook my head and went over to the kitchen. Everyone had came up after me. Melissa was having Dan drive her home and Tenny and Alex were going to hang out longer tonight at Tenny's house. So just Teckler and Cam were going be staying. I smile at all of them. "You guys should probably be going home." Dan nodded. Melissa picked up their coats and slipped her shoes on, Dan copying her motions. I head over to the door with them and hug them goodbye. "Hope you had fun!"

"I did Blues. That movie was great."

"Oh was it? Do you even know what happened?"

"Well of course. Alice fell down a hole and had adventures in a place called Wonderland." Dan clearly didn't know what happened but I didn't tease him about being more into his girlfriend than the movie.

"Good bye Dan.. watch it again someday. Then tell me what happened." Dan just laughs and pulls away. I smile and hug Melissa. "Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid will you?" I ask her.

"If I did what kinda girlfriend would I be?"

"A stupid one."

"Ouch. That'd be bad."

I giggle and nod. "You better get going. Your curfew is 1?"

"Yeah we should. Thanks for letting us party with you. DAN LETS GO. STOP TALKING AND START GOING! Thanks again. Bye!" Dan and Melissa make their way out the door and into Dan's car.

"Bye guys." I whisper. Now it's just me and the boys.

Alex and Tenny are going soon. I can see them checking the clock. "If you guys need to go then go. No ones gonna force you to stay." I inform them.

Alex sheepishly grins at me. "Well Tenny looks like we are unwanted. But she's right we need to get going. If were going to catch the new guitar release tomorrow at the music shop then we need to go now." Tenny nods and they start to leave. "WAIT!" They look at me with a confused expressions. I run to them and yell "GROUP HUG!" Teckler and Cam run over and encase Alex, Tenny and I into a giant group hug. When we disperse Tenny quickly says goodbye and gets out side to Alex's truck. Alex thanks me for the party then follows Tenny out. Such silly boys.

I turn around to see Teckler and Cam heading towards the kitchen. The kitchen?! With their cooking skills I really hope they aren't going to try to cook something. Oh deer. What if they do try and want me to test how good it is? I would rather die than do that. I run into to the kitchen and to my joy they haven't tried to cook but they have gotten the ice cream out. Oh boy it's strawberry. My favourite flavour. I sneak up onto them and steal the tub of ice cream from them while also grabbing a spoon. With that I run up the stairs to the third story of the house. I find the biggest room and his inside of it. Hoping against hope that they won't find me. When I take a look around the bedroom I notice the biggest bed ever. It's a king size bed with those drapes that you see in castles. The bedside tables are a nice wood that complements the bed. The sheets on the bed are red and black. The closet is a walk in closet with a large assortment of clothes for the female specimen. The walls are painted a wonderful creamy colour that matches the dark red and black of the bed. In the middle of the ceiling is a elegant light the size of chair. I'm pretty sure it's a chandelier. It has diamonds. Wow this house looks so expensive. Also this room on further examination I find that the third door in the room is a bathroom for the room. Oh deer, who lives here? A millionaire? Probably it looks that expensive. I take all this in awhile I am eating the strawberry ice cream that I've claimed as mine.

Outside of the room I hear a set of footsteps. Cam and Teckler, most likely trying to find me because I stole their ice cream. Oh well I'll just stay here for the rest of the night. I get up from the floor in front of the door and climbed into the gigantic bed. Awhile still eating ice cream. I lay down underneath the comforters and eat all of the ice cream. Hmm I wonder how long it will take them to find me? Well might as well relax. I take out my phone and headphones. I place the headphones into my ear and push play. As the songs pass by the closer I feel my eyelids are together. By the time as song that fits me well comes I am so close to sleeping that I barely soak in the lyrics.

Na na, na na na, na na

I miss you, miss you so bad

I don't forget you, oh it's so sad

I hope you can hear me

I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away

Was the day I found it won't be the same


Na na na na na na na

I didn't get around to kiss you

Goodbye on the hand

I wish that I could see you again

I know that I can't


I hope you can hear me cause I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away

Was the day I found it won't be the same


I had my wake up

Won't you wake up

I keep asking why

And I can't take it

It wasn't fake

It happened, you passed by

Now you are gone, now you are gone

There you go, there you go

Somewhere I can't bring you back

Now you are gone, now you are gone

There you go, there you go,

Somewhere you're not coming back

The day you slipped away

Was the day I found it won't be the same no..

The day you slipped away

Was the day that I found it won't be the same oh...

Just when I finally close my eyes shut for the rest of the night, I feel the salty water in my eyes. And I fell asleep sad and missing someone from a long time ago.

Na na, na na na, na na

I miss you

Blue Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें