Chapter 12: Party Time

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Alec and I were up in his room when the maids told us everything has been set up and ready for the party to begin. "Thank you Lisa."

"Very Welcome young master." And she left us sitting in his bed. It is only 4:50 so we had a hour or two before people started coming.

"So what shall we do for the next two hours?" I ask. But I do not receive words but actions. He kisses me strongly with a passion before I push him underneath me and gain control over the kiss. He mumbles something that I couldn't quite hear. "hmm?" I say against his lips.

"I said that I should've asked you out before." Alec stated leaning back in for a kiss. I quickly lean in and take control once again. His hands start to wander from my waist and up my shirt. He reaches just underneath my breasts when we hear a knock on the door. Alec moans and swears. "Yes??" Alec asks from the bed.

"Young master, our first guest has arrived." Alec glances at the clock as well as I and were shocked to see we had spent an hour and a half, kissing!

"Thank you. We'll go at once to greet them."


"Hey Alec!" calls one of his jock friends from the kitchen. Alec looks at me and I nod saying that he may go. He kisses me on the cheek and walks away. I notice that Caleb, Alex, and Tennyson had just witnessed the scene that played out only seconds ago. I blush. "Hey guys!" I yell to them.

"Hey Alexis!" Alex yells back.

"Do you guys want to perform tonight?" I ask them, it would be nice and they are pretty good so might as well ask them to perform.

"Only if you sing." Caleb states before anyone could agree.

"Um well I-I guess so."

"Yay!" Tennyson yells.

"Well we should start setting up and decide which songs we are doing." Alex says. We all disperse and I start spreading the word that I will be performing along with an unnamed band. This will be interesting.


Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,

I wrote a song for you,

And all the things you do,

And it was called "Yellow".

So then I took my turn,

Oh what the things have done,

And it was all yellow.

Your skin,

Oh yeah your skin and bones,

Turn into

Something beautiful,

You know,

You know I love you so,

You know I love you so.

I swam across,

I jumped across for you,

Oh what a thing to do.

'Cause you were all yellow,

I drew a line,

I drew a line for you,

Oh what a thing to do,

And it was all yellow.

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