Chapter 22: Sweet Seth

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At first all I see are his eyes but his while face soon appears. His eyes a deep rich brown colour with specks of a sea foam green. His eyes are quite different. He's the only fifteen year old boy that has eyes this gorgeous. His slightly tilted mouth makes my heart jump. His creamy brown hair looks as soft as a bunny's coat. He's at least a head taller than me. Who is he? He is my bestfriend. We were talking about something silly. I can't remember what. I giggle at him, he was so funny. Oh he must've been telling me a joke. We start to walk down my first high schools halls that are lined with blue lockers and classrooms that were all empty seeing as it was the end of the school year. He held his backpack on his back and mine in his hand. It was quite heavy with all of my things. He seemed happy that day. Walking home we joked about and enjoyed our selves. He dropped me off at my house. I smiled at him. He smiled back and said a goodbye. He hugged me and left. He smelled like cinnamon. Sweet cinnamon. I unpacked all my things in my room all awaiting to be used once again. I spent awhile just sitting smiling about how this summer was going to be the best. How wrong. But I didn't know. That night I had spaghetti for dinner with my father and mother. Yes my real mother. I was happy. I stayed up late watching American Idol with my mother. Father was in his study working. When my curfew came around I didn't complain I went quietly up. Letting Father work in peace. Later that night I awoke to my cell phone going off. I answered. "Hello?"
"Hello Alexis, it's me Mr.Jones."
Mr. Jones my bestfriends father. "Hi what's up why are you calling me?"
"It's my son." My breath hitched. His son? My bestfriend? The guy I secretly loved?
"What of him sir?"
"H-h-h-he-" I could hear the tears practically.
"What happened?" I asked sternly. I was quite scared.
"H-he c-com-mi-tted su-su-suicide." I could hear my heart break. I felt the salty wetness in eyes. I started to sob and Mr. Jones was worse than I.
"Alexis h-he l-left you a-a n-note."
"T-thank you I-I'll be o-over tomorrow to see y-you."
"W-will do. G-goodb-bye."
"B-bye" I hanged up and cried into my hands for the rest of the night. When my mother woke up she found me crying still. When she asked what's wrong I told her. She didn't ask questions. She held me close and sang a lullaby. Her sweet calming voice helped me stop crying.
When the lullaby was over I could talk without crying. "Mom, he's gone. My best friend is gone. I loved him. My sweet Seth is gone."

**Dream/Memory ends*

I wake up with glistening tears in my eyes I whimper when I realize that I'm still at the cottage where the party was held I wonder where Cam and Teckler are? When am I going to be able completely forget this pain? Please any offerings of peace? My mind is scarred and scars don't disappear. But how I wish they did, my life would be so much better. Getting up from the mattress I notice that theres a dim light shinning through the window curtains. It must be early morning light. I guess I should go find Cam and Teckler we should start cleaning the place up. Shuffling out of the room and down the stairs to the front room. I pass some spilled chips and half drinked beers. I just shake my head, not ready for the entire mess. Into the kitchen thats where the real disater is. Food was everywhere, booze was spilt on the floor, random pieces of clothing layed on the ground, glasses filled with odd and weird mixtures of food and liquids. I don't even want to know most of what happened. I kept going towards the living room, there I find Teckler passed out on the leather couch. His hand seemed to be holding his face against the couch and his legs stretch straight out, his socks half off, his shirt was rolled up higher on his torso. It was an amusing sight, it made me forget about my sadness occupying my mind. I laughed and decided that Teckler needs to help me clean, I am not going to clean this by myself and I can't find Cam. Not that I looked that hard, but he could've left for all I know. Walking over to the couch he lied upon I stifled giggles and leaned over to wake him. Softly I shook his shoulder until he started wake. His eyes slowly opened, but quickly closed seconds after they opened. He groaned, all I could do was laugh airily and make my way around the cottage some more just so I can verify that Cam was not here. I sighed. He definitely wasn't here. I made my way back to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen I could hear noises that sounded quite like someone cursing.
What I walked into was Teckler holding his hand under the sink. I raised an eyebrow before assessing the situation. There was a pan on the stove. It held bacon in it, it was barely starting to cook.
I stared at him. Seriously? He doesn't want to explain what happened? I might as well ask him. "What happened?"
"Oh uh. Well see I was trying to make us some breakfast but the stove didn't seem to be working when I tried to turn it on so I placed a finger on the burner to see if there was any heat emitting from it. And well there was. Quite a lot actually."
Is he serious? Is he that out of it when he wakes in the mornings or is he naturally just this stupid. "You're a really big idiot. Here let me go get a first aid kit." Before I left the kitchen to find some burn cream and a first aid kit I turned off the stove. I looked back at him standing over the sink with cold water running for his finger. "And don't move please.."
I didn't let him reply before I rushed away to find a fist aid kit. I really can't believe he did something so stupid. I had to actually hold in the urge to face palm. Like really though. Who just tests how much heat is coming from a burner on a stove when it's on? Not many I imagine.
I finally find a first aid kit in a bathroom on the top floor of the cottage. Grabbing hastily I start to run back to Teckler. The sight I was greeted with was quite...interesting. Teckler was sat on the counter with his hands in the sink and his face was contorted in pain. I lifted an eyebrow up at him.
"Why are you sitting on the counter?" I asked curious.
"I was getting tired of standing, duh." He answered me with a pained expression. I shook my head and started to treat his wound.
"You are an idiot, you know that, right?" I implored. He just laughed, not answering me. Not that I excepted an answer. I finally finished treating his burn and packed the first aid kit away. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Thank you, Alexis." Teckler gave me a wide grin and I could only smile back before going back to the bathroom to put the first aid kit back.
I couldn't help but notice how Teckler's hair looked very soft and touchable. At this thought my cheeks burned.
What have I gotten myself into?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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