Chapter 8: The Band Decision

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"Good morning Alexis!" greets Caleb when I finally make my way towards our meeting point.


"How'd you sleep?"

"Yes, you?"admittedly I couldn't sleep at all since I have insomnia but I don't want to worry Caleb and I only known him for a day, Dan or Melissa don't even know. I must have looked unsure because of the look Caleb gave me, but said nothing about it.

"It was alright."

"That's good!"

"So have you decided if you are going to join Alex's and my band?"

I thought about it but I just don't know, I want to meet the whole band before I join. I explained this to Caleb and he said to find him at lunch and I could meet them there. "Have a good day at school!" I said to Caleb when we got inside where we parted halls.

"See ya at lunch!"


The day had been going super fast, and quickly so before I knew it, it was lunch. I made my way down to the cafeteria and got lunch. Once I decided between a chocolate milk or juice, milk obviously, I tried finding Caleb and Alex. "ALEXIS!"

I turn around quickly and see Alex running towards me. "Alexis! Do you want to meet the rest of the band? They are excited to meet you!"

"Okay! Where are they?"

"Follow me!"

"Okay.." I followed Alex outside to see 6-7 boys at a Picnic table including Caleb. Caleb caught my eye and smiled.



The other boys are just staring at me.

"Um can I help you?"

"Oh Alexis this is Teckler," Alex said pointing towards a boy with green eyes and black hair in tight skinny jeans.

"This is James," A boy with black hair with blonde highlights, with green eyes, was the one Alex pointed to next. A boy with a head of purple hair with brown eyes was next to the boy called James. "Purple here is named, Tennyson but we call him Tenny. We also have that loser called Michael." 'Michael' had brown straight hair and brown eyes. The next boy had black, orange and white hair. Alex told me his name was Matt.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Alexis."


The bell rang just as I was about to tell the boys that I will be in their band. The convinced me to sing them a few songs, included Yellow by Coldplay and I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco. "ALEX! CALEB! JAMES! TECKLER! TENNY! JAMES! MICHAEL! I WILL! ILL JOIN YOUR BAND!"

"Really though?" Alex asked.


They all screamed "YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!"

"See you guys later I have to get to class!"


When I was younger

I saw my daddy cry

And curse at the wind

He broke his own heart

And I watched

As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that

She would never let herself forget

And that was the day that I promised

I'd never sing of love

If it does not exist

But darlin'

You are the only exception! 

You are the only exception! 

You are the only exception! 

You are the only exception! 

Maybe I know, somewhere

Deep in my soul

That love never lasts

And we've got to find other ways

To make it alone

Or keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this

Keeping a comfortable, distance

And up until now

I had sworn to myself that I'm content

With loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk, well

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality, but I can't

Let go of what's in front of me here

I know you're leaving in the morning, when you wake up

Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream

Ooh Ooh... 

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

You are the only exception

You are the only exception


And I'm on my way to believing

Oh, and I'm on my way to believing

"Wow you are so good!" Caleb says when I finish singing on our way home. "Thanks. I can't wait for my first band practice!"

"Yeah, I'm excited too!" 

"Do you ever wonder what it's like to die?"

"Sometimes, but then I remember I'll find out some day, but not today." 

"I do to but I think what does it matter." 

"This is where we part.." 

"I guess it is." 

Suddenly I feel heat on my cheek, Caleb kissed me on my cheek, that thought made me blush. Caleb smirked and called "See ya tomorrow!" 

"Yeah see you tomorrow.." 

Caleb kissed me on the cheek, but why?

I ask myself this on my way down my street.

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