I'm Sorry... I cant do this...

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"Kirstie..." I sniffle into the phone.

"It's been two days.. Two days without him. I don't what to do anymore. It gets s-so hard to wake up knowing I won't be able to see him next to me. He won't be there smiling at me, waiting for me to open my eyes. H-He isn't coming back Kirstie." The violent sobs racking through my body. I grip my phone tighter as if it was my lifeline... But it wasn't. Scott was. And Scott left me.

"He left me. He left me alone. He was my rock. He kept me from losing it. It was always him. It is going t-to always be him. I-I won't move on and he knew that!" I looked over to the cat who was curled up on our bed, "Wyatt misses him... I see him curl up in Scott's clothes ya kno-ow. Can't blame him though, I've been doing the same thing."

"God, I hate this. I feel like I'm missing a part of me... And I can't go on half empty. No... I am empty. Scott was my everything and now that he's gone, I have nothing."

I stare at the empty pill bottle, waiting for them to start working...

"I-Im just ca-calling to say I-I am so sorry for doing this to you... And well the others, but mostly you. I-I love you babe. I love you so much. And please don't l-let this ruin you."

My tears continued to pour down my face as it got harder to breathe...

"I'm sorry Kirstie, but I-I can't do this anymore..."

The phone dropped out of my hand and into the water from the tub which was filled to the brim.

Scott... I'm coming home with you.

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