"Fuck You" Flowers

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Wow. The title. I'm cackling!

This will be super short... I think? Well... I hope!


After six goddamn years! Six years of my life wasted on him. All he wanted was to use me to get closer to my friend. And she went along with it. I put my trust in her to help fix the bumpy relationship Calvin and I had, but no. She was making herself comfortable with my boyfriend.

Last time I date a bisexual guy.

Ugh! I wish there was something I could do to hurt her the way she hurt me. I loved him and he goes and does this! I want to break down and cry but at the same time I want to bust the windows out of his car. Yes, Jazmin Sullivan tease. Anything that will mend my heart...


I stormed into Mama Hoying's Flowers, a little flower shop around the corner from my house. I was going to be polite about the situation. I was going to let my anger out but in a discreet way.

"How do you say fuck you in flowers?" I asked the blonde behind the register, completely ignoring the current customer in front of him.

"Uh-" I cut him off, "Sorry miss, but this is important." I say as I turn to the dark haired girl next to me with her mouth on the floor. "Scott! Are you gonna let him cut!" The girl said. Hm, guess they knew each other?

The blonde, who I'm assuming is named Scott, just nodded. "This is my time to shine sweetheart." He said and came from behind the counter. Sweetheart? Ew. I almost laughed in his face for him actually saying that aloud.

"Okay. So will these be hand delivered or...?" Scott trailed off as he stood by a glass enclosure filed with different flowers. "No no, I don't have the courage to face them. This is just.. Just a spur of the moment I want thus done now to be sent kind of thing... Before I change my mind and actually do something I'll regret." I admit to the stranger and his friend, who is spectating from afar.

"Hmm, well you'll definitely need some geraniums!" Scott said as he pointed to the beautiful pinkish flower. I just nodded, signalling him to continue, "It signifies the persons stupidity." "They both are pretty stupid." I agreed, "And why's that?" He asked. I paused. He's a complete stranger he doesn't need to know my life...

"My boyfriend of six years cheated on me with my best friend... She was supposed to be helping our relationship but was getting in on the action apparently." I saw nonchalantly. "Well they are stupid. They made a big mistake losing you."

Was he flirting?

"Uh, thanks..." I cleared my throat, "Anything else you have to offer?" "Right! Here! We have foxgloves and yellow carnations! The foxgloves for insincerity and the carnations for disappointment." He looked in the glass case some more and pointed, "Ooh! What about these?! These signify hatred." I looked at where his finger was directed, "Orange lilies? Hmm, wow. Never knew flowers held so much meaning." I admit to flower boy.

"Well now you do." Scott said as he gave me a side smile. "Okay now ring the man up, Scott." The dark haired girl said as a blonde woman came out from the back. "Kirstin, get to work." The woman said as the girl hurried to the back. "Scott ring this customer then help Kirstin with the boxes." She said then disappeared through a side door leading to the garden.

Flower boy rang me up for my bouquet of flowers and wow, are they expensive. "Would you like a note to add with it? Or your name?" He asked. "Just my name."

"And that is?" "Mitch. Just Mitch."

"Well Just Mitch... We'll have this delivered later today." Scott said as he gave me a receipt with a business card on it. "Thanks! Have a nice day." I say then leave the shop.

I went to put the business card in my wallet when I saw a number on the back.

I smirked.

That sneaky little....

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