Chapter 2~ Discovery.

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Travis's POV.

I stalked through the snowy woods, looking for anything that may be of use, or any imps that I could put a sword through. My feet crunched softly into the snow, sinking a little with every step I took. I paused when I heard a noise. Holding my sword in front of me, I took a few steps towards the noise. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a huge boat crashed onto shore. I quickly our my sword into my hilt and ran down there. The boat was halfway under the water, with the hull up on land.
I drew in a sharp breath and started to look for survivors. But thirty minutes and three drowned bodies later, I was starting to give up. Everyone I found was dead. It was a shame, all of these innocent people were killed due to some stupid curse that was placed on the ocean. I started to walked back to the woods but was caught by surprise when I tripped over something. "Gah!" I yelled out as I landed face first into the cold snow. I jumped up and looked at what I tripped over, or it was more like who I tripped over.
There was a man on the ground, curled up in a fetal position with his knees to his chest. His chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily.
He had Raven-Black hair that fell neatly over one eye, he had pale skin and wore blue and gray robes with a black cross on the front. He also had a mask covering the bottom half of his face, who was the man?
He was clearly alive, at least. There was small pool of blood under one of his ankles. I shook him lightly to see if he would wake up, but nothing worked. I sighed and picked him up bridal style. I couldn't just leave him out here to die. I started to carry him back to my home.
Half way through the forest, he started to stir. He Crystal-Blue eyes opened half way and a small groan escaped from his lips. He looked up at me and his eyes widened. He pushed away which made home fall out of my arms and onto the ground.
"W-woah.. Hey, are you alright?" I asked.
"W-who are you!?" He asked, as he tried to stand up, but fell right back down. "Hey, don't hurt yourself, your ankle is cut pretty badly." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged away. "Don't touch me!" He yelled angrily. "Don't you have any idea who I am!?" He yelled. "N-no, I don't, I just found your ship crashed on the shore, you were the only survivor.." I said.
His eye widened. "What!? You mean I'm stuck on this stupid island!? No, I have to get back to O'khasis!" He yelled. "That's going to be kind of hard, no one can leave this island.. The ocean is cursed." I said. "You're lying..." He accused. "I'm not, I have tried myself once, it didn't work." I said.
He growled something under his breath. "Here, let me take you back to my house, I can bandage your wound and maybe somehow we can find a way to get you back home." I said, helping him stand up. He exhaled sharply. "Hmph, Fine." He muttered.

His Frozen Heart~ A Zanvis AU Fanfiction. {•Book One•}Where stories live. Discover now