2: Belated Anniversary

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~Hey, lovelies. Hope you're ready for this chapter. Gonna be a a good a good one from start to finish. I hope you like it.


Chapter Two

"I can make you soup," I told Elena as I walked in her room to see her laying in bed. She hasn't been feeling well. Jer and Matt think she has the flu or something. She's been throwing up the last few days, which I just found out today. Jeremy called and asked me to take care of her while he and Matt were both off at work at the Grill.

"Kenz, I don't want soup," she huffed and I sat on the edge of the bed. "I feel fine now."

"You were puking all morning and into the afternoon," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"I know. And I asked Jeremy to call you to 'take care of me' because I needed my sister right now," she said and I furrowed my brows.

"Well, if you don't need soup, what do you need me for?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Moral support. I think I'm pregnant," she stated and then closed her eyes bracing herself while I stared at her with my jaw dropped open.

"What?!" I shreiked. "I'm going to murder Matt! Right after I punch you in the throat. How much sex have you guys been having?"

"Not a lot. But I missed my period and we kind of did it without a condom once or twice," she said, peeking one eye open just in time for me to hit her with a pillow.

"Are you crazy? We need to buy you a test, now. Come on, I don't have all day. Stefan's taking me on some camping slash vampire training thing. I have to pack and be ready by sun down," I told her and she nodded.

We both hopped out of her bed while I rushed her to change into something that wasn't her pajamas. Once she was ready I grabbed my car keys and we rushed to the nearest convient store. When we got there, we picked out a few test together then Elena stopped me as we walking towards the cash registers. "Can you buy it?" She asked me.

"What?" I scoffed. "No. So people think it's me? No. We're both going and people can mind their damn business or I will beat the living shit out of them. Okay? Let's go."

I grabbed her by her wrist and tugged her into the line. I placed the four test down and they slid down the conveyor belt just a tad before the cashier grabbed them and rang them up. It was a girl from our school of course. She was staring at me with a smirk and an evil glint in her eye. Elena paid for the test since I was broke as usual. And because they were for her.

"Keep looking at me and the only thing you'll be seeing is my fist," I told the girl. The smirk dropping from her face.

"Stefan's going to leave you, you know," she muttered.

"Give me my damn receipt," I demanded, trying to keep myself calm. She handed the receipt over to Elena and when my twin went to leave I walked around to the side the cashier was on and yanked her by her shirt. "Stefan's mine. And will always be mine. Keep your damn hopes and dreams about getting you filthy paws on him, crushed. Got it?" I growled in her ear and she nodded her head quickly.

"Kenzie!" Elena shouted.

I let the girl go and calmed my self before I bit into her neck. The anger along with her racing pulse so close to me, turned into hunger. "Later, slut!" I called over my shoulder as I followed Elena out the store and to the car.

I hopped in the driver's seat while she got into the passenger seat. "What would your boyfriend say if he saw that?" She asked.

"Nothing. Cause if he was here and she said that, he'd probably be the one saying sweet things about how in love with me he is," I smirked, starting the car.

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