Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Prom. 4 letters. 1 week.

I guess you could say I'm nervous as hell.

Since the Talent Show, I've been super busy with the last few weeks of school approaching. That makes me even more nervous. 1 week until prom and 3 weeks until Graduation.

On another note though, my 'secret admirer' has made some moves. They put a ton of my favorite chocolates in my locker. They put chocolate covered strawberries in my lunch. Then put a banana with 'I'm banana's for you' written on it in my lunch as well. I've also gotten a new phone case, a new pair of Nike's, and a new backpack. I have no idea how they know I needed these things. I mean, my shoes and backpack were falling apart and I'm constantly dropping my phone. Don't get me wrong I love the sweet gestures, but it's a little creepy.

This week were going to be taking all of our final exams, since seniors get out of school a week before graduation. I'm very prepared for all but Mrs. Richardson's algebra test. She made us do almost 200 questions for our study guide. Technically, were only supposed to have about 100 questions on the actual test, but of course some teachers like to keep us all extra busy. As if were not busy enough.

"Hey, Elle. You wanna go prom dress shopping with me today after this class?" Layla ask as we walking to our last class of the day.

"Yeah. I need to find one too." I smile and we take our seats.

After school, we head to the mall. Since the prom is a masquerade, it takes Layla even longer to pick something out. I however don't really know if I want to go. I mean, I want to meet my 'secret admirer' and they said ill know who they are then. But, I don't know if I really want to show up with no date.

Almost 3 hours later, I'm starving and Layla has just found a beautiful dress and mask to match. I found a new purse I really like so that's the only thing I'm buying. I didn't even really look at the dresses they have.

Digging in my purse for my money to buy the purse, I find another note.

Dear Arielle,

Don't even think about buying a dress for prom. You better show up though.

See you soon Darling.

How the hell am I gonna go to prom with no dress? Am I supposed to go naked?

"Let's get some Chinese. I'm starved." She tells me after we buy our things.

I nod in agreement and we head to the food court.

Once we eat and Layla drives me home, I find a small box with a black balloon tied to it on the door step. Whoever wrapped this makes Martha Stewarts wrapping skills look like a kids. This is some damn good wrapping skills. I gently rip off the paper and see another note.

Dear Arielle,

This is only the first of 3 gifts I'll be giving you for prom. Don't worry; I don't want you showing up to prom in jeans. Or worse, naked. I want you all to myself. ;)

See you soon Darling.

Wow. Dude doesn't sound like a sex pig at all.

Inside the box is a small mask. A beautiful gold and champagne colored mask with a few feathers. It's absolutely gorgeous.

Hey guys. I hope you're all enjoying. I'm going to my grandparents this weekend all the way in Louisiana, so I won't be able to update. :( But, be prepared. Next chapter is prom! And maybe just maybe we'll see who the 'secret admirer' is. Any guesses?

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