Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"Congratulations 2016 graduates!" Principal Rinehart announces and we all stand up and throw our caps.

Jace comes and squeezes me into a tight hug. I can't believe we did it. We've graduated.

"Let's get the hell out of here, babe. I have plans for us." He smirks at me.

We say goodbye to all of our friends and Trent and Chelsea take Emma home with them. Of course, my mother never showed. I was even decent enough to send her a fucking invite. I don't care though. She's still putting money in my bank account every now and then. It helps. Especially, since I was able to buy all my books and things for college; including a new MacBook, IPad mini, and a new phone. All of our things are packed up and the house is officially sold. It's surreal.

We pull up in front of the house and Jace opens my door. I step out and he swoops me up in his arms.

"Jace you rat put me down!" I laugh, trying to be mad at him. My legs are swinging in the breeze. I can't help but to lean my head back and enjoy the fact I'm free. I'm free from all the stupid essays and homework. I'm free to go to college and be exactly who or what I want to be. I'm free to live a wonderful life with Jace and Emma.


"What the heck are we doing, Jace?" I scream, when he throw me on the bed.

"We are celebrating." He laughs and unzips my dress.

Taking off his own clothes, he gently gets on either sides of my with his hard body pressed up against mine. Trailing kisses all up and down my body, I explode with butterflies and fireworks. My body is completely on fire. He nuzzles his face in between my legs and I can't help but to arch my back. He shoves his tongue inside of me making me shutter and let out a small moan. Not meaning to, I grab his hair in my fist and he lets out a loud groan. He slowly moves up my body and slips inside of me.

I moan over and over. And slip into a sweet orgasm.

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