Another Bad Day

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     You had alot of things to do today, schoolwork that needed to be completed, chores that had to be done, and homework which linked arms with the twenty minutes of crying because you didn't understand half of it... Yep, a busy, soul crushing day. You didn't have time to do anything else. And you damn sure didn't have time for being abducted by aliens. But that happened. Oops! Sorry, you're probably like, "... What?...." So I'll explain what happened before that, when your life was still normal.

     You check your back pack a third time to make sure your homework was in there before heading out to the room. You glance around the empty house before going out and starting for school alone. "Test in history today..." You mutter thinking of the notes. Your mind wanders trying to remember everything that would be on the test. 

       "Nee~ ___!!" A voice makes you look back as that girl hurries over with a bright smile. "Did you finish your homework~?" 

       "No," You lie swiftly. She pouts at you. 

       "Don't lie ___! Trade me! You already know all the answers!" She says going into your backpack and switching the papers before rushing off. "Thanks friend!!" She cheers running off. 

       "Wait-" It was hopeless she was already gone. You frown and look down. "Friend my ass, you don't know a damn thing about me..." You mutter continuing on. 

      Once at school you try to finish the traded homework but the teacher came by to pick it up a bit too soon. You only got half credit. "Maybe if you didn't wait until the last minute to do your homework you'd have a better grade." He scolds before moving on. 

       "Right..." You mutter resting your chin on the desk with a frown, writing notes while she talks in the background noisily. This was how things were, no changing that.

      After school you walk home alone, looking down with a sigh. "Can't I just go to sleep and never wake up again?..." You murmur. 

       "Incoming!!" Someone shouts making you look up, your eyes are drawn higher as an oddly dressed guy comes flying at you. His body crashes into yours and you both go tumbling. He grunts, lifting himself off at you, black cat ears flattened, silver eyes with slitted pupils, black and yellow coat shifting against the wind. Your eyes widen, this guy. 

       "Damn nuisances!" He growl suddenly getting up and spinning about, odd glimmering sword slashing at a white and black orb that zipped toward both of you. You flinch as his white and gray tail sweeps in front of your face. 

       'Whats going on!?' You panic looking over as a monstrous creature lands across the street spinning a trident in its grasp. 

      "Hey look out!" You gasp as it lunges at the cat guy. He growls and slashes the monster with ease. 

      "You should get away from this area Ms. Earthling, it's not..." He coughs falling to a knee, hand other his side, gold liquid seeping under his hand.

       "H-Hey! Are you okay!?" You gasp touching his shoulder, "Come on, I'll help patch you up!" 

      "I don't need your-" He suddenly falls unconscious. You carefully move under his arm and half drag him into your home, laying him on the sofa. You quickly retrieve the first aid kit from the bathroom. You pause looking over his odd attire before removing his top and freezing. 

      "Is that.... His blood?" You mutter, cleaning him up and patching him up the best you could. You wash your hands off, peering at his ears and tail as they twitch in his sleep.

      'Wonder if he'll eat fish sticks..' You think looking to the kitchen before deciding to make some food for the odd guy. 

     He stirs as you place the plate on the table. His silver eyes flicker open, sniffing at the plate suddenly digging in. You straighten up in surprise. His eyes glint to you. "It's you... I'm impressed." He muses, hand running over his side. "You patched me up too, thank you, but you may be in danger if I don't leave soon.. Farewell Ms. Earthling." He offers a handsome smirk before getting up and starting out. 

     "W-Wait... What are you?" You ask following after him carefully. 

      "Curiosity kills Ms. Earthling... But if you must know, I'm a Bation," He peers back at you briefly as he steps out of the house, a large yellow glimmering metal space ship lands in the street. He smirks giving a wave as he disappears inside. You gap as the ship takes off suddenly. The gust knocks you on your butt as you watch it disappear beyond the blue sky. A Bation...

       "So I think I met an alien today," You try to start a conversation with your parents.

      "Dont make up stories ____, aliens don't exist." Your dad mutters. "How about you focus on getting your homework done on time for once." He adds. You stop and look down. 

      "Right, I'll go do that now." You murmur getting up and going to your room. You close the door and sigh quietly going over and falling onto your bed. 

      'Never listen...' Your eyes drift to your nightstand. "So tired of all this..." You mutter opening the drawer and stopping to look at the bottle of sleeping pills. Your fingers twitch and the aliens face flashes through your mind. "Maybe tomorrow..." You murmur closing the drawer. 

      As you smile and start to close your eyes an odd green light fills your room. You feel your body lift off your bed and struggle, looking back at the glowing green circle on your ceiling. You cry out trying to grab onto something but by now everything was out of reach.

      "Wh-What's going on!?"

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