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You pull away from the elementee, a bit alarmed by the others reaction. "I'm an earthling... Try not to float off again okay? Goodbye." You offer a smile before starting away.

"H-Hey! Wait!" He swiftly catches up to you, peering at your face. "What's your name? What crew do you belong to?" He asks giving a big smile. You look at him, he was cute, reminded you of one of the popular guys at school. Now that you were actually looking at him, you noticed what you thought were freckles glinted like tiny embers on his cheeks. The observation made you pause in awe.

"Um.." You try to recall his questions. "I'm ___, I don't belong to a crew right now." You respond and tilt your head. "Well... I don't think I do, they probably think I'm dead by now." You shrug.

"Oh! Well I'm Ace, thanks for coming to help me out, no one else would have unless they were crewmates." He gives another smile.

"Oh... Well it's not a problem. I'm just that way." You must looking ahead and relaxing, he didn't seem so bad.

"I know! Let me get you some food! How about... Crabtoy?" He chimes, pointing to a stand.

"Never had it." You peer at the octopus like crab that he points at.

"It's the best come on!" He pulls you along to the stools and sits down cheerfully. You smile a bit and sit down while Ace orders for the both of you. "So how long have you been out here? You're all alone right?"

"Um... I don't know, maybe a few months... I'm not alone, I travel with Mihawk." You tell him. He pauses at the name.

"I meant you're the only earthling out here, but it's cool that you're traveling with the greatest sharpish to ever wander the universe." He smiles as the food is placed in front of both of you.

"The greatest?" You echo as you dig in and pause, "This is amazing!" You gush. Ace chuckles at your outburst.

"Yeah it's amazing! And Hawkeyes is the strongest sharpish amongst the stars, he once cut a planet in half because it drifted in his way." He tells you. You pale at the accomplishment, surely that couldn't be right.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same sharpish- Ace?" You look at him to find him fast asleep in the middle of taking a bite. You sweatdrop, so that's how he managed to drift off in the first place. You pay for both of your meals after you finish eating your. "Could you tell him I had fun when he wakes, and thank him for me?" You ask the cook. He gives a nod and you softly pat Ace's back before heading off to find Mihawk.

You soon find him at the town square and smile when he spots you. "There you are, did you find everything you need?" He inquires.

"Yeah, I like it here, I met some nice people- beings." You chime. "One gave me a sword!" You show him it. He gingerly takes it and unsheathes the brilliant starry like metal glints beautifully in response and you look at it in awe.

"You've truly made some fine allies the short while we were apart... This is known as a heavenly sword, they're rare, and when up against cursed blades... You'll have to see, it's breathtaking." He smiles thoughtfully, sheathing it. You take it and smile widely, hugging the sheath to you.

"I hope I can repay her somehow..." You murmur. He smiles a bit and tips your chin.

"Just take good care of it and yourself, I'm sure that's all your friend would want... Shall we be on our way now?" He inquires.

"Sure, I'm ready when you are!" You tell him lighting up. He nods and leads you for the docking area. As you reach where the ships are, you spot Helena and her crew again. "There she is! Helena!" You call waving. She looks over and smiles waving back.

"Go say goodbye then, I'll wait for you." Mihawk rumbles. You give him a smile before rushing over to Helena as she blinks at Mihawk in surprise.

"Is... Is that the sharpish you're training with hun?" She asks when you reach her.

"Yep, we're leaving now, thank you for the sword. It's amazing." You tell her grinning. She blinks at you, and a soft smile lights up her beautiful purple hued face, odd cotton candy colored eyes looking into yours as she knelt to your level.

"I can already see you're going to be one of the most amazing beings to confront this universe. You're going to be so great." She breathes, hand on your shoulder. You blink at her and felt a tidal wave of emotion crash into your chest, tears rushing your eyes. "What's wrong baby gurl?"

"Heh, I never had a friend before I came out here... It's just nice so many others believe in me even when I doubt myself.." You sniff wiping at your tears. The girls give a collective 'aww' and come around circling you in a group hug.

"Don't you ever doubt yourself honey, I can tell you're strong, so stay true to you. And if you ever find yourself in bad place, just remember you can call on us. And we'll come help you out." Helena rumbles softly, slipping a small device in your hand.

"We females have to stick together." Opal agrees.

"What's this?" You ask peering at the circular device that was rimmed with odd colored gems.

"It's a vivre, if you connect them to others like this." She presses gem from her own vivre to one on yours, making them light up. "They'll share a frequency only between them, so we can find each other if you ever need it." She pulls hers away. "And all you have to do is press this button and say who you want to find... ___." She says to her device and the gem closest to you lights up brightly.

"The closer you are, the brighter they get." Opal adds.

"But if they flicker that means the other person is in danger of losing their life, and if they go black then..." Maoni frowns.

"Thank you... Thank you so much." You hold the device to your chest.

"You remind me of my little sister. Take care of yourself ___." Helena kisses your forehead.

"Now get going, don't keep Hawkeyes waiting." Opal nudges you.

"I will, see you later!" You smile hugging Helena before running back to Mihawk, giving them a farewell wave. They all smile and wave back. You look to Mihawk whom smiled softly at you.

"Let's get going then." He rumbles leading you to his ship.

Your feet touch down on a small asteroid briefly before you kick off, flying back at Mihawk and slashing at him. He deflects your sword with his making another colorful light dance off your swords. You twist and swing at him again but his sword swiftly stops you before you start with a barrage of attacks. He deflects them all with a smile.

"Beautiful, you're growing fast as a sword wielder." He breathes, knocking you back softly.

"Yeah?" You smile widely at that. He gives a nod at that.

"Yes... That's enough for now, I'll go make some tea for us." He rumbles heading for the ship that he had landed on a large asteroid so you could train. You smile and fly around the near by asteroids as you waited. Something catches your eye. You drift over to it. The energy and lights danced around steadily. You hold your hand up to it, felt warm. "___?" His voice sounds in your ear piece. You look back.

"Coming- huh?" You look down feeling a tug on your bottoms, you look down finding what looked like a fishing line. The hook pierces your skin as it pulls you into the energy. "Mihawk!" You cry out just before you're pulled through and the energy disappears.

"... Oops...." A voice makes you look back at the being that appeared human, wearing a strawhat. He blinks at you.

"You pulled out a being!" The orange haired and skinned female alien snaps, smacking him upside the head. You remove the hook from your leg as you look around at the hazy green blue skies before noticing you floated over a clear purplish ocean. Panic catches your chest and you look around for the energy swiftly.

"Those warpholes don't last long. Sorry to tell you, but you can't go back." A voice makes you look over at the green tiger bation, his gold rimmed cat eyes look at you bored. "What are you anyway?"

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