Bad Idea

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          Your eyes ease open to an unfamiliar room. ".... Well, its not there..." You mutter. Someone sits up at that drawing your gaze to the princess. Her big silver eyes on you.

"___!" She suddenly gasps, hugging you.

"You're... Okay." You smile. "Does that mean we won?"

"Yeah!" Luffy chimes, cuddling you.

"Lu'! You're safe." You cup his cheek, thumb stroking it happily. He grins at you as the others come over and lean over you.

"We were worried about you." Zoro smiles lightly.

"How are you feeling?" Chopper asks. You shakily sit up and let out a breath, poking the glowing bandages.

"Like the hole in my stomach is gone." You smile.

"Yes. It was difficult, but we were able to fix you up good as new." The doctor hums.

"Thank you sir." You nod to him. "Is it okay if I get up? I've never been in a palace before." You add.

"Should be fine." He says before walking out.

"I'll give you a tour." Vivi smiles, standing as you get up. You let her lead you out and through the palace. It was beautiful and elegantly designed.

"This is so beautiful Vivi." You comment, stopping by a window to look out at the desert. She was silent, making you look over at her. She meets your gaze, cheeks becoming a purplish hue. "You okay?"

"I'm great. I'm really glad you're okay.." She takes your hand, bringing it to her chest. "Thank you for everything ___." She smiles softly and you feel your cheeks warm.

"There's no need... I've always wanted to be a knight in shining armor." You admit quietly. She blinks and giggles before stepping closer and bringing her lips to yours, kissing you softly.

"And that you were." She whispers, face now purple just before she hurries away, leaving you stunned.

'... I could totally go gay for that alien...' The thought that passes by makes you go red and cover your face.

"Wow... That just happened..." You mutter.

"Goodbye everyone! Thank you for everything!" Vivi waves. You wave back with a small smile.

"So captain, where to next?" You ask looking over at him.

"Hmm..." He looks up at the sky as it darkens and the ship leaves the planet's atmosphere. "Lets try that star." He points grinning.

"Looks pretty far." Zoro hums.

"Then maybe it'll be the one." You hum thoughtfully.

"Yeah! Lets go!" Chopper cheers.

You relax on deck soon after that, Zoro soon comes over, curling up beside you to nap. You watch him quietly before reaching over and petting his head softly. His ears flicker before he rolls over, partially climbing into your lap. You grin as he settles in. This was your favorite thing about cats.

"So cute..." You whisper petting him softly, earning a deep and rugged purr. 'And it just got better.'

Luffy soon comes over, cuddling up to you and silently demanding your attention as he leans into your view. You sweatdrop and smile, rubbing his cheek in response as he cuddles you happily.

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